This post had 4 photos and 2 videos attached. The photos again started out innocent, well as innocent as you could get on an only fans page. The first two Natasha was in a matching set, its was an olive green, sports bra with bike shorts. Both the photos she was doing a sexy pose, leaning forward to show cleavage and then bending over to show her ass. The other 2 photos are where things got spicier. In the first one Natasha had pulled up her sports bra showing off her full breasts. She was also pulling her bike shorts up giving her a camel toe, clearly she wasn't wearing any panties. The last photo Natasha was pulling her bike shorts down, not all the way but almost enough to see her pussy.

I took a deep breath as i went to the videos, the first one Natasha was giving us a little show. She threw her sports bra off before turning around to pull her bike shorts off. This is the moment i saw Natasha's full ass and pussy for the first time. I watched mouth agape, eyes wide open as the redhead slowly pushed the material down. I watched as the material got stuck for a moment before she was completely bare. Her pussy looked wet, that must be why the bike shorts stuck to her. Fuck.

The next video started and i couldn't stop the gasp that fell from my lips. Natasha was still bent over with her ass on display, however her hand was now in frame. I watched as Natasha slowly rubbed her pussy, which seemed to be glistening even more than in the last video. I turned my volume up a little hearing faint moans.

"oh god" I moaned myself as i was watching Natasha touch herself. This view didn't last long, before i knew it Natasha had changed her position, she was now on her back. Her whole body was now in frame as she spread her legs wide enough to see everything. With one hand Natasha continued her rubbing as her other hand groped her own breast.

I didn't know where to look, her face, her boobs, her pussy. There was too much happening. I bit my lip as i watched Natasha's fingers rub one area in particular, before she was slowly dipping them inside. I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, i shifted before realising, i was wet.

I reached under the covers taking a deep breath before letting my hand slip into my pyjama shorts. I rubbed my hand over my panties feeling a promenade wet spot. I gasped immediately pulling my hand out. I still had the video of Natasha playing, it was only getting hotter. She was speeding up all get actions, she was pumping her fingers in and out as she roughly groped her breasts.

My breathing had picked up as i watched Natasha touch herself. I wanted to try doing what she was doing. With a gulp i reached down again sliding my hand into my pyjama shorts. I softly rubbed over the wet spot on my panties gasping when i hit something that felt so incredibly good.

I struggled a bit to find a rhythm after that. I ended up getting frustrated and having to throw my blanket off before taking my shorts off. I spread my legs like Natasha's in the video and imitated what she was doing.

Starting off slow i found a good pace and rhythm managing to hit that one spot over and over again. I don't know how many times i ended up rewatching Natasha's video but it was really helpful. At one point i had to pull my panties to the side and properly felt just how wet i was. I stopped briefly realising what i was about to do. I felt like i should stop but it felt so good, so i kept going.

I never put my fingers inside like Natasha, i only rubbed the outside. This didn't seem to matter before after about 10 minutes i was panting as i through my head back. I closed my eyes as i fell head first into my first ever orgasm.

Once the intense pleasure stopped i slowly pulled my hand away as i breathed heavily. "oh my god" I panted as i looked down at my phone one last time before turning it off.

I quickly ran into my bathroom to clean myself up before grabbing a fresh pair of panties. When i climbed back into bed i decided not to put my pyjama shorts back on.

I opened my phone again and spent far too long scrolling through her posts. I have to admit i felt like touching myself again the more i saw photos and videos of Natasha. They weren't even all super naughty, a lot of them were series of photos of her in a very revealing bikini or an equally revealing lingerie set.

I ended up looking through those photos the majority of the night. Well that was until i got too tired to keep my eyes open. I may have stayed up a little too late considering i had work in the morning, but i think it was worth it.

~ tuesday morning ~

Even after my late night i managed to wake up on time. I was extremely exhausted though so first things first coffee.

I keep thinking about what i did last night and it still shocks me how i managed to feel that way just looking at photos and videos. I must really like this girl if she has this much of an effect on me.

I quickly grabbed something to eat as i made my way out of my apartment. I decided i wanted to get into work early so i'll eat on the drive over.

As i was waiting for the elevator to come up i checked my notifications. I noticed an instagram one :

@natt_romanoff has requested to follow you

I hummed to myself clicking the accept button just as the elevator doors opened. I had my head down once i entered, that was until, "hold the elevator!" Someone shouted from the hallway.

Quickly i reached out to stop the doors from closing as i clicked the button to keep them open. To my surprise it was none other than Natasha who entered the elevator.

"ooo fancy meeting you here cutie" Natasha purred as she stood beside me, her intense gaze never leaving me.

"morning" I spoke quietly, i couldn't bring myself to look at her after what i saw last night.

"i noticed you followed me, and you accepted my request" Straight to the point, i wouldn't expect anything less from this woman though.

"uh yeah, is that okay? i found your page and thought i would follow. since we're... uh friends"
I spoke timidly as i tried meeting her gaze. I only managed to hold it for a few seconds but it was enough to take in her stunning greens orbs.

"of course it's okay, i'm glad you followed. i hope you didn't spend too long stalking my page" Natasha chuckled as she playfully elbowed my side.

I fake laughed along with her as i rubbed my side, even though it didn't hurt. "uh no- i uh i didn't"
I stuttered not sounding convincing at all.

"well i for one will enjoy stalking you later today" I looked over to see a cheeky smirk on her face just as the elevator dinged and the doors open.

I followed still a little taken aback by Natasha's comment. Natasha was in front of me which meant i had to try very hard not to look at her ass. Now that i've actually seen her, well naked, it's going to be harder.

I was finally able to get a good look at what she had chosen to wear today. Black cropped tank top, with a blue denim mini skirt. She had her signature Mimco purse tucked under her arm of course, along with her phone and keys.

"you coming slow poke? you've got work remember" Natasha caught my attention. I hadn't realised i stopped walking.

"oh yes, coming" I quickly caught up keeping my gaze on the ground as i clearly can't be trusted to look at Natasha.

Once we got to Natasha's car we said our goodbyes before i continued to my car. "i hope i see you later gorgeous" Natasha called out before hopping into her car.

I just nodded quickening my speed to get to my car. "oh my god" I breathed heavily as i entered my car. I let my head fall to my sterling wheel in defeat.

"why am i so awkward, she probably knows i subscribed to her only fans" I spoke to myself, i was really nervous for her to find out. I wish i hadn't subscribed and then i wouldn't be feeling this way.

What am i suppose to do now?


how was that?

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