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The children were still screaming in surprise at Rimuru


They all quieted down

Shizue: Right well these are some of my friends I made on my last journey they're here to help you all

Rimuru: Alright let's take roll before anything else, Ciel would you do the honors

Ciel: Kenya Misaki

Kenya: . . .

Ciel: Ryota Sekiguchi

Ryota: . . .

Ciel: Gale Gibson

Gale: . . .

Ciel: Alice Rondo

Alice: . . .

Ciel: Chloe Aubert

Chloe: . . .

Shizue was about to say something but Rimuru stopped her wanting to see how she would react

Rimuru: This should be good

Ciel took a deep breath because if there was one thing she hated it was being ignored she said this next part with a smile with less warmth than the Arctic

Ciel: Oh I'm sorry I must not have been speaking clearly, let's try this again

Ciel leaked out her aura and the intent behind it


Kenya: HERE


Ryouta: HERE


Gale: HERE


Alice: Uh, HERE


Chloe: Here

Ciel: Good good I was worried the over-fluctuation in mana affected your hearing as well

Ciel calmed her aura

Shizue: Well that could've been handled better

Rimuru: For Ciel, I'd say that was handled the best way possible

Rimuru made his way to the front of the classroom

Rimuru: I'm glad you all seem to be getting along well, my name is Rimuru, the scary maid you both met is Ciel, and starting today we'll be some of your new insanely awesome teachers children rejoice, also keep in mind Ciel is in no way patient so try to be respectful around her

The children looked at Rimuru wondering if he was serious

Rimuru: What, no response

Ciel's aura leaked out

Kenya, Ryouta, Gale, Alice, Chloe: YES, SIR

Rimuru: Well arent you all good kids, now it's time for a pop quiz doesn't that sound fun

Alice: No since when did tests become fun

Chloe: I hate them

Kenya made a retching sound

Gale: You can't give us a quiz on the first day

Alice: Yeah it's against the rules

Rimuru: Calm down before you hurt yourselves this is important and something you kids need

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