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Meanwhile the day before the invasion Rimuru was helping all his students pack for their commute to Tempest

Rimuru alright you all made sure you have everything right

Kenya: Yep

Alice: Of course, we can pack our bags ourselves

Gale: I almost can't believe we get to live in your town

Chloe: I know how you feel it's like a dream that I never want to wake up from

Ciel: Oh well if you're worried about that try bleeding out I hear that's the best way to tell if you're dreaming or not

Ciel's constant verbal assault on Chloe became as common an occurrence as feeling the wind blow on your face, Chloe started tearing up

Rimuru: There there Chloe I know Ciel's always mean to you but don't let it bother you

Chloe began sobbing in Rimuru's chest he patted her head to comfort her as she held him in response this caused Chloe to gain everyone's sympathy everyone except of course Ciel

Ciel: (That over privalged brat)

Chloe peeked out from Rimuru's chest and reserved a smirk for Ciel which did nothing to ease her mood naturally Ciel knew it was an act all along but at this moment Chloe had everyone else eating out of the palm of her hand

Ciel: (Damned brat knows what she's doing if my words were enough to make her cry she wouldn't have made it past her 2nd retry)

Rimuru: Oh that reminds me Chloe there's something me Ciel and Shizue need to talk about it's urgent see us in the classroom when you can

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Rimuru: Oh that reminds me Chloe there's something me Ciel and Shizue need to talk about it's urgent see us in the classroom when you can

Chloe: Alright

The time came Chloe was a bit curious as to why she was called alone but she knew it couldn't be that bad when she entered the classroom

Chloe: You asked to see me

Ciel immediately sealed off the room from the rest of the world what would happen in this room would stay in this room

Rimuru: I don't know how else to say this so I'll just spit it out in the simplest way possible Chloe I know exactly who and what you are even before Chronoa came to you I knew

Chloe looked a bit surprised but she then put on a serious face

Chloe: I figured you might know what with Ciel being here and Sensei Shizue being alive but I didn't want to jump the gun

Shizue: I thought Ciel's prejudice against you would be the dead giveaway

Ciel scoffed and pouted

Chloe: But how exactly did you know and why is Ciel here so early

Rimuru: Well it's actually quite simple I'm the same version of me from the last timeline you reset in I came to this world after I defeated Ivaraj

Chloe: I'm sorry I couldn't do more back then and I let him get me

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