Ugly Truth

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Rimuru, Ciel, and Azrael walked to the mines 


The 3 of them kept walking as if he wasn't there

Rimuru: I'm aware

Rimuru said as he didn't look back, they entered the mine the Armorsaurus was indeed attacking, the 3 Dwarf Brothers were badly hurt when suddenly a figure jumped to the beast and landed on it like a trampoline laughing all the way, the brothers were shocked to say the least 

Ciel: Good grief Azrael do you always have to be so showy you definitly over did it

Azrael: There's no such thing as overdoing it

Azrael said as she stomped it's head while leaning on the corpse of the beast

Ciel: You're the living definition of over doing it

Azrael: And you're the living definition of BORING

With that they once again started bickering Myrd, Dord, and Garm were beyond confused on what happened

Rimuru: Don't mind them they're always like that 

The 3 brothers looked at the voice behind them and say someone with the appearance of a young man with Blue Hair

Rimuru: Here take these they're potions I made 

The brothers were shocked as their wounds were healed

Garm: WOAH I it's like I haven't been hurt at all 

Dord: I thought my arm was gonna fall off

Myrd: Hmmm-Mmmm

Rimuru: (Of course he won't say something)

Garm: Tell me is there anything we can do to repay you

Rimuru: Actually there is


Kaijin: I must thank you again for helping me with making those swords

Rimuru: No problem I just hope you'll consider my offer 

Kaijin: Things may be better if I go with you so I will consider it for now

Ciel: I swear you're so disgusting

Azrael: You're still on that will you get over yourself

Rimuru, Kaijin, and The Dwarf Brothers turned to Azrael and Ciel arguing

Ciel: Killing that beast was one thing but did you have to eat it afterwards

Azrael: So what it would've been a waste to leave the corpse lying around plus I was curious to how it tastes

Ciel: You really need to learn a thing called tact

Azrael: Eating something you killed is the very essence of nature

Garm: Should you break them up

He said this as he pointed at the girls still arguing

Rimuru: Don't mind them

Dord: Who are they to you anyways the girl with blue hair looks similar to you are you two related

Ciel and Azrael stopped arguing and began to look in their direction with a bit of excitement

Rimuru: They're my servants is all

Azrael lost all her color and became paler than a ghost, while Ciel had a smile that didn't reach her eyes, which were empty

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