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Luminous was sitting on her throne in deep thought with a red face

Luminous: (How dare he humiliate me like that who does he think he is I bet he thinks he can do whatever he wants because he has that cute blue hair chiseled body and face that looks like it was sculpted by angels not to mention his blood is a delicacy out of this world but there's no way I'd fall for him, not for a man like him . . . I know I'll make him pay by forcing him to submit to me yes I'll bring him to his knees and make him devote the rest of his existence to serving me and giving me his blood it's not that I care for him it's just his blood makes for a nice meal NO OTHER REASON WHATSOEVER yes he'll look so cute as my slave begging me PLATONICALLY OF COURSE AFTER ALL THERE'S NO WAY A MAN LIKE HIM COULD CATCH MY INTREST I just can't let that humiliation stand)

Her seemingly different behavior did gain attention from her entourage to say that they were concerned is an understatement

Louis: Lady Luminous has been acting very different ever since she returned from the Jura Forest

Gunther: I did question her on what happened but she seemed quite angry that I asked and told me to mind my place

Roy: Well perhaps she had an encounter with Veldora which ensued in a battle that frustrated her

???: Is something the matter with you 3

Roy: There is nothing to concern yourself with Hinata in any case what brings you here

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Roy: There is nothing to concern yourself with Hinata in any case what brings you here

Hinata: I request an audience with Luminous if she's available

Gunther: I suppose that wouldn't be too much trouble but be careful how you carry yourself Lady Luminous has been different ever since she returned from the forest

Hinata: I'll be quick and brief then

Hinata entered where Luminous was residing though it seemed like she wasn't noticed as Luminous was too busy pondering all the things she'd make Rimuru do

Hinata: Excuse me


Hinata: Um, pardon me

Luminous: Oh it's just you Hinata to what do I owe the pleasure have you finally decided to offer yourself to-

Hinata: No, I have a request to make is all

Luminous: You hardly ever ask me for anything this must be urgent what is it that you desire

Hinata: I received word from an old friend that the Jura Forest may be destroyed by an Orc Lord normally that wouldn't concern me but someone I know resides there

Luminous: Ah, Shizue Izawa I presume the world was quite surprised she took up residence in the forest (Rimuru seems to have taken her for himself and here I was looking forward to having both Master and Student to myself)

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