Sensō e no jokyoku

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Rimuru was on the carriage ride back to the forest he was in the carriage with Ciel, Azrael, Shuna, and Shion, naturally they made it look as if nothing happened last night and no one was any wiser, at most, the Dwarf Brothers and Kaijin believed that only Azrael and Ciel were the only one's pleasuring their Master, thankfully the goblin riders and dwarves arrived back quite late as they believed they had no worries and there was no reason to rush, Rimuru's mind wandered as he stared out the carriage window

Rimuru: (I guess it was bound to happen eventually what with Azrael's influence but it still almost doesn't feel real)

Rimuru reserved a glance at Shion and Shuna they didn't seem to notice his eyes on them

Rimuru: (I never thought I deserved to do anything like that with them after I failed to save them and everyone else last time, their deaths still haunt me, but now it feels as if a great burden of the past has been lifted off me)

Rimuru looked back out the window and glared

Rimuru: (I won't dare allow anyone to harm those I love anymore so tread lightly Falmuth I have no more sympathy left for anyone who disturbs the paradise I will create)

Once they arrived back in Tempest Rimuru and Ciel made their way back to Ingrassia to check on Shizue and their students they got back in time to see the results of their tests

Ciel: Now to announce the results of your final exams

Ciel read over them and looked severely disheartened


Kenya: Whoa that bad

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Kenya: Whoa that bad

Ciel: You all passed with flying colors

Ciel said in an extremely disappointed voice, the children were relieved

Ciel: That includes long black-haired students that had no right to, I won't name any names

Ciel glared at Chloe who pouted in response

Rimuru: (Ciel, you seriously need to chill with your prejudice against Chloe)

Ciel: (It's your imagination)

Gale: Looks like we'll be able to advance to the next grade

Ryouta: And we'll get to stay together and live in Tempest with Miss Shizue and Mister Rimuru

Chloe: Yay, thank goodness

Rimuru: Around this term's end we'll leave it'll be a quick journey but once we arrive they've prepared a nice welcome-back party for all of us now I know you guys will be more experienced students but treat the other kids nicely, as a reward for passing I'll make sure to supply you guys with more manga and games

The kids were excited, when Rimuru looked over their grades he noticed that they were higher than in the last timeline he then solidified in his mind that as terrifying as Shizue's methods may seem they were effective

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