He stood in front of me with his arms crossed his chest, looking down on me irritated. "So, accepting this position also gave you a personal assistant?" I follow his eyes and see Hawks once again standing right behind who is now following me around like a puppy. "He's not my personal assistant. He's a colleague just like everyone else is in this building." I furrow my eyebrows. I'm too exhausted and I need to leave this situation before it gets ugly. "You're choosing the wrong path. You should -" "I asked for All Might, not for a fake savior. You either go into the meeting room right now or I'm taking you off this mission." His face softened at my quick reaction and his arms unfolded. He turned around and walked away. I thought getting rid of him would help me relax, but now I feel even worse. I barely slashed out on him.

"So he was one of the readers that read that article?" I face Hawks with a confused face. Waiting for him to elaborate . "The article." He pulls up his phone and shows me the article that Toshinori showed me about a possible romance between me and Hawks. "I got told by one of my assistants the minute it got published. I knew it was something you didn't want people to see, so I wiped it down from the internet. No trace at all. Just this screenshot that I have." It makes sense now why none of my friends texted me about it. They never saw it. I really do hope no one else I know saw it. "Thank you for that. I didn't know you knew about it." Hawks smile at me. "Now go show them what you can do. Let me know if you need me at all." He leaves as I make my way inside the meeting room.

It was already full of all the pro-heros I have called in for today, a few of the police officers including detective Tsukauchi who was in the front waiting for me with principle Nezu. I make my way through, avoiding eye contact as I set up quickly and start the meeting. "I want to thank everyone who showed up today. We all know what we're here for and that is to save one of UA's students Bakugo Katsuki and put an end to the League of Villains. Each and everyone one of you will have an important role for this mission, so I need everyone's cooperation no matter what." I look around and I see everyone nodding in agreement. I can feel my hands starting to sweat, but I couldn't just ask for encouragement. Breath Michelle. Breath. You got this. You will prove to everyone that you can do this. "Now this is what will happen."


The meeting went a lot better than expected. No one really questioned me, which was a surprise, because I was at least expecting Endeavor to give me a hard time, but he didn't. The only one who flinched was Aizawa when I asked him, Vlad King, and principle Nezu to do a press conference right after the meeting to calm down the public about the kidnapping of Bakugo. I know he has always hated the media, but no one else knows Bakugo more than his own homeroom teacher. He may not talk to me for another few days, but right now I keep reminding myself that it shouldn't be my main concern. I didn't get to see the conference on TV, but I was able to hear it over the radio as I was finishing up gathering everything we needed for this exact moment.

Tsukauchi and I were standing outside where the League of Villains hideout was tracked. Everything was going just as I planned, but it's just too smooth. A huge explosion came from the top of the building. "What's happening?!" Tsukauchi yelled over his radio communicator. "Everyone vanished! Including Bakugo!" All Might yelled. I felt my body run cold. This couldn't be. We have both places covered. How? I locked eyes with Tsukauchi who looked stressed out just like me. Wait. Both places. "The second hideout! They transporter to-" my radio communicator got kicked out of my hand from a Nomu that just appeared next to me. I quickly dodge its punch and jump up to kick him down with an electric kick. I look around and we're surrounded by a bunch of Nomus that emerged from the ground. I look up and see All Might flying out. I wanted to follow too, but I couldn't let the police officers handle all these monsters by themselves. I took off my trench coat and started to help take down the Nomus one by one. Even though I wasn't in my hero suit, I still decided to wear some khaki pants and a sleeveless black turtle shirt, giving me room to fight. "Volten!" The detective yelled at me, "Head over to All Might! No one is answering back on what's happening!" I took down one more Nomu by electrocuting it. "Are you sure?" I was worried, they weren't going to handle them. "We got this covered! Just go!" He yelled back.

I ran towards the second hideout, hoping I wasn't too late. When I arrived my eyes widened at the scene that was unfolding. The area was wiped out and everything was destroyed down to the ground. I spotted All Might with Gran Torino and when I saw their opponent, my heart dropped. All for one. Seeing this fight was giving me major Deja Vu. The day that not only did he take our mentor but someone who was a mom to us. Nana. All Might and Gran Torino looked very beat up. I can tell All Might was starting to lose his stamina, and I was getting anxious that his true form was about to be revealed. All for one threw a huge attack, causing a huge quake. I got down to the floor covering my face from the impact. I looked up as the dust was clearing up. What I was seeing wasn't All Might anymore, it was his true form. "Toshinori!" I yelled out for him. I started hyperventilating. The world has now seen his true form, and here I was just frozen on the floor, watching everything unfold in front of me. Move Michelle. You idiot. Be useful for once in your life!

I blink making everything go slow in my vision. I look up again and notice AFO is about to attack again. I need to help. I can't fail my own brother. I felt the electricity running through my body. I pushed myself up and ran towards the fight. I transferred all my power into my fist. "All for one!" I yelled, throwing my electric punch towards him who was levitating from the floor. He turned to face me and our punches collided causing another huge explosion. "Volten. So nice for you to join us. I was worried that you were going to stay hiding in the shadows." He grabbed my fist and jolted it up, making my grunt in pain as I'm hanging down. "You think you can save your precious brother? The one who was forced to be stuck with you? Do you not understand that he felt pity towards you? An unwanted child, thrown into a house where they didn't want her either. Abandoned by your mother and your father doubting that you were his until his last breath. Are you sure you are wanted, Michelle? " Anger filled me up. The way he knew me so well scared me and I felt right into his trap. He lifted me up more into the air and threw me with a strong force down. It was just so fast, that next thing I knew I landed on my back and threw out blood from my mouth.

"Michelle! What are you doing here?" Gran Torino helped me get up. " I- I need to help Toshinori." I said as I got up again and wiped the blood out of my mouth. "This isn't your fight, Michelle." "The hell it is! Toshinori has always been there for me even when I pushed him away. I know we were in a dumb stupid fight, but this is serious! I can't let him continue like this!" I ran towards him again, but Torino grabbed me before I could get closer. "Michelle! You need to let him do this on his own!" He yelled at me as he held me down. I look up and I see Toshinori's arm purple. Tears started to roll down my face and I fell to my knees. "Torino, please" I cried. "He's my big brother. Please. I can't lose him from my life. I-I-I still need to apologize. There's too much I need to tell him! Please! Please Torino. Please." He held on to me closer. I see my brother throw one last punch. The impact caused one last explosion and my heart was racing. Anxious as the dust was clearing out. I covered my mouth as I saw All Might standing up with his fist up. He made it. He survived. He won.

All Might quickly turned into his human form and pointed straight behind him. This is Deja Vu. "Now. It's your turn." he said. The exact words what Nana told him before she died. Now, I knew exactly who those words were meant for. He dropped his arm, and Torino finally let me go. I ran towards him. He turned around with a smile on his face. The same smile he will always give me. The smile that brought comfort for me. A smile that showed me that I am wanted. I cried as I hugged him. Feeling his thin and weak body. It was obvious he was seriously injured, but holding him was a whole different narrative."Toshi..I'm.-" He hugged me back and I could feel his body shaking. "Michelle.." I heard him sniffling. "I'm so glad you are alive! I couldn't have asked for a better sister. No matter what, I will always look forward to living knowing my little sister is in my life. Thank you." We held on to each other as we cried. Grateful that we still have each other. 

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