Sports Festivals

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 Relapse. Something I am not planning to do. Luckily a phone call from Principle Nezu snapped me back to reality. For the first time in forever I was glad to be going into work. There was a meeting about the incident that just happened at USJ that they needed me to attend right away. We talked about the villain group, League of Villains, and the quirks that the main three guys had. Shigaraki, who seems to be the leader. His quirk is decay. Whatever he touches he has the ability to destroy it. Which makes sense why Aizawa was using his quirk when Shigaraki tried to touch me. Another topic that was discussed was that Nezu and the Hero Public Safety Commission had agreed on letting me use my quirk more openly. Only if the students were in danger. This also meant I can finally go by Volten again. The downside, I was terrified that the public would not welcome me.

I decided to keep my distance from Aizawa ever since my talk with Yamada and focus on preparing the students for the sports festivals since it was happening in a few days. There was one student that definitely prepared me to showcase my new hero outfit.

"Who is that hottie who just stole my heart?!" I was caught half-bite eating my dango before the festival started when I looked up and saw my friends walking towards me. Mirko spins me around while Midnight and Mt. Lady giggled and whistled at me. I would admit, my friends had me blushing. This new costume was so much better than the one I had in Mexico.

My new costume is a black bodysuit with red streaks on the inside and outside of my legs and arms. The lines connected in the middle of my body lining up and over my chest. Forming a V. I had one thigh pocket strapped on each thigh. The suit went up to my neck. It is flexible and durable enough for me to pull it up to use it as a mask when running. The new gadgets are my favorite. My gloves are dark red just like my shoes. They can store electricity that I build up when running. My thumb, pointer, and middle fingers are the only ones that are not covered by the glove so I can openly use my attack. The only skin that is exposed is my shoulders and well I would admit, I do like how the suit hugs my curves nicely. I didn't want to wear goggles so I was able to get red visors that still hang out on top of my head with my hair pushed back along it.

"Thank you guys! This was worked on by one of the students from the support class! Hatsume actually. So keep an eye on her!" I take the last bite of my dango and I lay the stick between my teeth as if it's a cigarette. "Look at you already giving recommendations! Tell us who we should avoid?" Mt. Lady pulls teases me by pulling my arm down as I laugh. "No one. All the students are amazing in their own way. You'll see!" We all say our goodbyes as Mt. Lady joins the rest of the pro-heroes who are on security today, Midnight heads to the main stage to start the show, and I decide to walk Mirko to her seat since it was on my way to the teacher's seats.

The festival starts and I watch all the students walk out on the field while I was on my way to my seat. I was so geeked out that I stayed on the sideline to watch. "You better use what I taught you all!" I cheered them on as they started the first course. "Now tell me Volten, how's my son doing?" I raised my eyebrow and looked towards the huge man who I was never able to stand. "I didn't know you could reproduce Endeavour." I know I hit a nerve because the flames got bigger and honestly I couldn't care less. "I see you still have that same attitude" He snarls. "oh and you don't?" I rolled my eyes at him and decided to focus on the students instead watching Todoroki taking the lead. "How is he doing?" Endeavour asked still in that serious, mad tone. I was lucky to gain Todoroki's trust and he opened up about his family. Something that I know this man will not admit to me. I understand his anger since I was him when I was kid. Rejecting the quirk of the parent that I hated the most. Of course I came around and accepted it, but that will be something Todoroki will need to do on his own time. Not mine, not Endeavour, but his. I blew out some air, turned around. "Maybe we can discuss this at the next parent-teacher conference, but there's nothing to be concerned about." I smiled at him, leaving him behind as I was starting my route back to my seat.

After cheering for the students with the rest of the teachers, it was time for lunch. The girls and I met up and sat at a table eating like we were back in school. "Well, if it isn't the most popular crew in town! How are we doing beautiful people?!" Present Mic approaches us and we all say hi. "Come and join us!" Midnight invited him as she pulled me closer so he could sit next to me, since I was already sitting on the end of the bench. He takes his seat and we all do small talk for a while about the students. "Hey Volten, I was wondering if we can talk in private before lunch is over. Is that ok?" He looked nervous like I was about to yell at him or ignore him. I was surprised by his reaction. "Of course. I'm almost done here and we can walk back to our seats." I smiled at him which seemed to have calmed him down. Was I irritated by how he talked to me? Yes, but at the end of the day not only are we co-workers but I also considered him a good friend.

We excuse ourselves after eating and we took a longer path to our seats. "I want to apologize about the other day. It's not my business and I definitely crossed the line . It's just - the day Aizawa introduced me to you, I've always wanted to be close to you because of the way he talked about you. But the way he still looks at you - I-I was jealous." He came to a halt and he was looking down, hiding his face. He fisted his hands against his sides as his chest was rising up and down at a faster pace. "Present mic." I calmly say his name. I took a step towards him, laying my hand on his arm. Everything now makes sense and I was stupid for not noticing earlier. He really liked him. He looked up and even though he looked so heartbroken, he was still trying to put on a smile. "Sorry, I don't want to make this about me. You both are now adults, so I trust the both of you to decide what's best. Whatever you both decide what to do, I'll be next to you guys no matter what!" He pulled me into a hug, squeezing me a bit too much. "Thank you Yamada." I said, returning the hug.

After our goodbyes, we went our separate ways. Him to his announcement booth and me to the teacher's seats. "Just my luck." I whisper to myself as I am approaching the pro-hero that has forgotten my existence. "Volten! I love the new costume!" Hawks waves at me as he passes by. I thank him with the biggest fake smile on my face. I suddenly feel him handing me a note secretly. I barely even noticed it until he whispered into my ear. "Make sure no one is with you when you read it." We continue walking our separate paths like nothing happened. I want to read what the note says, but I know this is not the place or time to do so. I slip into the bathroom and make sure I'm alone before I go into a stall. I pulled out a note and the first half is him apologizing for leaving alone and thanking me for not snitching that he gave me drugs. I was about to rip it until I noticed he underlined be careful plenty of times. I know you're about to announce to the public your return of Volten. I really wish you didn't but I understand the reasons. I need you to really be careful after you do, because many people will be coming after you. Whoever it is, do not trust them. No matter how nice or generous, deny whatever they will be offering you. The rest of the letter was him wishing the best for me. I ripped the paper into the tiniest pieces I could and flushed it down the toilet. I decided to shake it off and just continue watching the students compete for the rest of the day. Even though I was laughing and cheering, the anxiety was still there.

"Are you ready?" All Might was pumped for our (mostly his) entrance. We're about to announce the winners of today's festivals and confirm that we are the new teachers at UA high school. "All Might, we all have villains right?" He raised his eyebrow at me, examining and probably thinking if I'm his real sister. "Of course! But as heroes, we do not let them define who we are. We do what's right to protect the peace for the civilians and have justice be served for the people who disturb it." I look at my hands and reflect on my time being a pro-hero in Mexico, before I can say anything, All Might sat me on his shoulder and flew up dramatically. "Damn it you idiot! Warn me next time!" I yelled as he continued to ignore me while flying into the middle of the stadium. The second we got close to the floor, I jumped off of him and gave the audience a big smile with my hands up, forming a V. "Give it up to our new teachers at UA! All Might, the symbol of peace and Volten, the symbol of justice!" Midnight announced as All Might and I posed. I was beyond scared of their reaction, but hearing the audience chant my name was pulling a string in my heart. I felt accepted. For the first time since I arrived, I finally felt welcome. 

It will always be you (OC x Aizawa)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant