Sadistic Payback

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A/N: Yoooo here comes a new chapter! Hope you enjoy it well! Honestly, in the future, there might be some mind game sequences. Yeah, and they might be like the ones from Death Note ig. Anyways enjoy!

Hoka and Masami finally arrived at school. They made their way to their classroom and sat down on their respective armchairs.

Later, at lunch, Hoka was going to grab his lunchbag from his locker when a voice spoke up. 

"Hey... KAEN!!!!" 

The voice was prideful yet it had a hint of strong annoyance. Hoka turns around. It was a young man about his age with brown scruffy hair. 

"What is it this time, Nakamura?" Hoka asks, his tone as dead serious as the person's voice. It was no other than Kishi Nakamura, his rival.

Nakamura would sneer confidently. "Tennis match... Later... I'm gonna kick your ass" he said. Hoka simply laughed at this and scoffed.

"I would love to see you try-"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Masami dashed in between them and pulled both of them apart from one another. "Calm down you two, I don't want to see you guys scolded by the principal for TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER."

Nakamura and Hoka glared at each other, before after a few seconds, Nakamura stormed off.

"Overconfident ass idiot." Hoka scoffed. "Come on, let's go eat, Masami."


After class

Hoka and Masami walked on the alleyway. 

"Great, another day where those bullieswill show up and bully us." Hoka said rolling his eyes.

He clearly remembers the last time he and Masami encountered them.


"Heheheheh... Look at these two... Sorry if I interrupted your date!" the bully in the middle said. He forcefully grabbed Masumi's bag off her and pushed her to the ground. She yelped in pain as the bullies laughed at her.

The middle guy smirked at Hoka. "What? You gonna go kiss her and try to comfort her? Come on, show us some nice romantic drama, now eh?

The others snickered. 

Hoka clenched his fists and was about to charge at them but Masumi just grabbed his hand. She attempted to smile politely.

"its okay, its okay, sorry about him... He's uh... Pretty rash"

"Hah! Better manage that idiot... He's going mad crazy like an untamed dog." the bully to the right said.

They laughed again. 

"Now! How about this? Bow again and admit that you are weak, and we'll let you go? Just like usual, ya know?" the one at the left said.

Masumi smiled gently, but Hoka knew that she was pained by the way they were treating them. She just bowed. "Yep, yes you guys are very strong. We are very weak hehe."

The bullies laughed at them and were about to walk off. Enraged, Hoka charged at them, but Masumi grabbed him by the hand.

"Hoka, Hoka! Its not worth it!" she yelled in desperation, but he pulled away and charged at them.

But before he could do anything, the middle one grabbed him by the collar as the right one punched him into a wall. They kicked him a bunch of times before walking off, laughing.

Hoka grunted and tried to stand, but fell over. 

"Hey, hey. Hoka, I told you its not worth it." Masumi said crouching down to him. "Come on, I'll uh... Follow me to my house, I'll put bandages on you."

"No, no thanks, I'm fine." Hoka said grunting as he forced himself to stand up.


Hoka snapped out from his thought as he saw the trio come out from a corner, sneering at them.

"Oh look, its the trashbag couple again! Did you miss us?" the middle bully asked. The other two bursted out laughing.

"Konnichiwa, guys. Just heading back home." Masumi said trying her best to smile, only to get slapped, but she tried to smile.

They were about to laugh again until Hoka kicked the right guy at the balls, he collapsed onto his knees and growled in pain.

"What was that for, punk?!" The middle one asked a he grabs Hoka by the collar, he tries to punch him but Hoka simply kicks him at the balls.

The left one charged at him but Hoka threw the middle one at him.

The leader of the trio grunts in frustration.

"Heh... badass moves... but your girlfried is still pathetic!"

All three of them snickered... Masumi, unable to handle the pain anymore started crying, causing their snickering to turn into laughing.

"MASUMI IS A CRYBABY, MASUMI IS A CRYBABY, MASUMI IS A CRYBABY!" all three of them chanted, still grunting in pain.

This made Hoka very frustrated. They have the guts to insult her when they already got kicked at the balls?!

He can't take it anymore... A red aura surrounded him...

The bullies suddenly stopped chanting when they realized what they have done...

Hoka dashed at them and dragged each of them into the middle before walking all over them and stonping his foot on their bodies with a sadistic grin on his face.

"P-please stop!" The leader of the trio pleaded as he walked all over them repetitively.

"WHY SHOULD I?!" Hoka yelled at them while laughing.

He enjoyed it. He enjoyed the feeling of their screams. He loved every bit of it and didn't even care if they suffered.

They had been bullying him and Masumi for a long time.

He can't stand it anymore, he has finally snapped. This is the very moment he's been dying for to happen-


"Hoka!... Hoka!... Please, that's enough!" Masumi said as she embraced him... She was begging him to stop torturing them.

The aura around him disappeared as he gritted his teeth.

"Its this shit again..." he said panting. "Last time it got triggered was back at elementary, and now its back..."

"Yeah, yeah yeah, its okay, I'm alright. Lets just get out" she said as she grabbed his arm and ran off.

The last time this rage mode was triggered was in elementary, just like she said. And his level of violence was not so different that time.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! The next one will be the end of the fanfic's current arc. See you!

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