The strange dream

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Aiko was sitting in her room doing homework, suddenly she receives a phone call, which was Hiroshi, she answers quickly.

"Hello? Hiroshi? Were you able to hack into Kai's laptop?"

"Sadly no, but I discovered something more intriguing... Kai is hiding something in his basement."

Hearing that gives Aiko chills.

"Really...? What is it?"

"I'm not sure... It smelled like formaldehyde... he says he's making shampoo, although I still had that bad feeling... and his face..." —Hiroshi stutters a little out of fear, remembering his expression— "He looked like that of a sadistic murderer...I could see it clearly in his eyes, that hidden evil..."

"I see... well Hiroshi, thank you very much for the information... I will take care of this and give him  what he deserves"

They end the call, Aiko was a little distressed about what he said.

"Could it be that...he's hiding the corpses there? That's very sick...although I shouldn't be surprised"

She hears footsteps near her door and they knock.

"Aiko? Are you there?" —Kai asks with his friendly tone of voice — "I want to talk to you...but you avoid me every time I try...tell there something about me that bothers you?"

"More like what things don't you have that doesn't bother me? Damn sicko" Aiko says to herself and finally answers him.

"I just don't feel comfortable talking to strangers."

"But... I'm your grandfather and I tried for you to meet me but you just reject me" he says with a sad tone.

I'm going to stop rejecting him and put my plan into action, to find a way for him to take me to his house but...I can't be alone there, I have to have someone with me.

I don't think Hiroshi will accept again, plus he would become suspicious.

Ryousuke maybe?

"'re right, I'm sorry."

I approach and open the door for him.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, I've tried all these days"

"Yes, I noticed it and I didn't care" she thinks to herself.

"I understand, I'm sorry...well, since I gave you the chance...I heard from my mom that you have a luxurious house in the forest, will you someday take us there?"

Kai is a little confused by her sudden interest in his house but quickly brushes it off.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be interested in that fact, but yes, one day I will take you all to my house, probably this weekend since I will be busy teaching at the university"

Aiko POV

Perfect, this way I'll have more time to make my plan...

"I understand, then take your time, I will be looking forward to that day"

So I can destroy you.

- - -

A few hours later, I meet with Hiroshi at his house to continue talking about the issue and proceed with the next step.

"Are you sure about that? It sounds kind of risky... if Kai is as dangerous as you describe him..." Hiroshi says all worried.

"Don't worry, I'm the one who will take care of almost everything, you just have to call the police when I'm in his basement, we'll communicate through communication headphones."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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