The reveal

17 3 7

Ryousuke POV

It was already daylight, I had gone to bed a little late last night so I was feeling a little sleepy.

But I couldn't waste any more time staying at home, I had to attend that early course strictly at 8am... I honestly hate getting up early and having to go somewhere at a certain time, but I have to do it.

"This should be fine..." I say as I straighten my tie and look at myself in the mirror.

I like to dress in a formal and very elegant way, although I don't know why I bother doing it if who I'm going to see today is one of my exes from my past life, who probably sent someone to murder me.

"Onii-chan? Where are you going?" -Aiko asks confused - "and why are you dressed so formally? Are you going on a date?!" - she questions with some joy, she seems to be happy with the idea of me having a girlfriend.

"Eh? I'm not going to any date...I'm just going to a piano playing class which I have to be there in less than an hour."

"I didn't know you liked the piano...but I'm glad you want to do new things onii-chan" -Aiko comments, smiling.

Honestly... having Aiko around makes me feel very good and calm, she is the best sister I could ever have in my past life...

"Eto... onii-chan? Are you okay?" Aiko asks, somewhat worried, I had been looking at her for a long time, it seems that I had been lost in my own thoughts without realizing it.

"Ah! Yes! I'm fine hehe, don't worry Aiko-san...I was in a trance for a moment" I respond somewhat embarrassed

"Don't worry, good luck in the course onii-chan" -she responds with a soft smile on her face.

I smile back and say goodbye, leaving the house.

- - -

I got on the train to get to Tokyo faster, I was wearing my black suit and was listening to music with wireless headphones.

Thinking what to say once I get to confront Aya, will she believe me if I tell her that I was Makoto in my past life?

And if she is not guilty of my death... then there is no point in continuing to search for something where I don't even know the appearance of my murderer, the only thing I know is that he was a tall man of the same height as me with a black hood that covered his face...

"I hope it's not a waste of time..." I say to myself.

I had already arrived at my destination and got off the train.

I walk through the streets of Tokyo that were full of people around, it honestly makes me a little uncomfortable but I had to adapt.

I was a few kilometers from the course and I arrived just in time, I rang the bell to be opened.

The door opens and...

"Hello, welcome, you're here for the course, right?" A beautiful short blonde woman asks me, I was somewhat stunned by her beauty.

She was none other than Aya herself...

"Yes...I came here for the course, I'm really interested in getting involved...what would the registration process be like and stuff? Can I start now?"

"Well of course, you just have to fill out a form with your personal information and you can start now"

Aya gives me a sheet where I have to write all my personal information and sign...

After a few minutes, Aya begins to teach me the basics of playing the piano, she really explains very well and it is easy to understand her.

I try to concentrate as best I can although I shouldn't try so hard, since I came here for something else...

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