An unexpected meeting

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Makoto POV

A year has passed.

Lately my days have been boring and monotonous... I've tried to find a girl to go out with but nothing...

They're all boring, basic, ridiculous, and with lots of male best friends.

Seriously, there won't be a decent one like Ayaka?

Anyway...I have to get ready to go to the boring high school today. Aiko was already awake making breakfast who greeted me with a warm smile.

Aiko: Good morning onii-chan! Did you sleep well? Breakfast is almost ready~

Makoto: Good morning Aiko...I woke up well, what about you? I see you very joyful.

Aiko: Hmm? I always am...

Makoto: Yes, but this time it's even more, something very good happened that has you like this?

Aiko: Well... I heard that Haruka, the prestigious idol is studying in the same school as us! at Kamiyama High School! It's not exciting!?

Makoto: Really?'s really a surprise.

Aiko: don't seem animated, aren't you excited to see her?

Why should i? I have not idealized her as other people do, for me any celebrity are people like us and I treat them the same.

Also, I've already known Haruka since preschool.

Makoto: it excite me a bit but it's not like it's a big deal... honestly I don't care about any famous or prestigious person.

Aiko: Umm, if you say so.

I mean, that's how it has to be, treating famous people as if they were any person, I mean normal... I really don't understand those people who idealize someone as if they were gods.

- - -

I get to the boring school together with Aiko, every time I'm here I feel like time goes slower and it's very frustrating.

I've kept looking for the murderer for another year and nothing. Is that guy really that hard to find? There was no news or anything related to murders...

I'm starting to believe it was more of an act of revenge on the part of some of my exes...although I don't remember doing anything bad enough to be wanted dead...

The only one who really ended up hating me was Ayaka's twin sister, Aya...but, I don't think she's bad enough to send someone to kill me.

...It would be better if I give up finding him and continue with my own life? It's not like it affects me anymore now and he is not killing anyone that I know of.

Aiko: Is something wrong onii-chan? You're like lost... I'm worried that you find yourself like this more often, lost in your own thoughts...

Makoto: I've always been like this, I don't know why you're worried now.

Aiko: Is there something that bothers you? To make you to be thoughtful almost always...

Makoto:'s about my killer.

Aiko: huh? I mean...were you murdered?

Makoto: Yes...and I'm looking for him, although I already decided to give up, it's totally useless when you don't even have the slightest clue to find it.

Aiko: didn't see how he looked?

Makoto: Yes, but he was wearing a black hood, I couldn't fully identify him.

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