"I didn't thought it was such important information for you," she cooed without turning around, although I could hear her smirk in her voice.


I quickly got ready when I returned to my room.
But it's when I put my earrings on that I remembered to look for my ring, the one I wore every single day, which I haven't seen for... too long.

So I made a mess of my room by opening every drawers, every box, every bag, without finding it, and a tight knot formed in my stomach. Did I really lost it ? Two weeks had passed and I still couldn't put my hand on it. My parents weren't aware and I couldn't tell them, although I cared about this ring a lot, because they will literally kill me if they knew I lost it.

I didn't lost it. It must be under my bed or something. I'll check later.

Before leaving, I took a look at my appearance in the mirror and winced at the sight of small pimples on my right cheek and forehead. My periods. The foundation on my dressing table was tempting to use, but I grabbed my favourite perfume instead, spraying it all over my neck. Foundation wouldn't do anything, except make it look worse.

"Finally," my mother said when she saw me walking down the stairs.

"I didn't even take that much time," I rolled my eyes as I headed towards the kitchen.

"Maybe, but you're still late," she mentioned to the clock behind her, which was showing a time far too late for me to be in class in time.

"Shit !" I cursed, grabbing a red apple from the recipe on the table and my mother clicked her tongue disapprovingly.


I walked past her, sending her a flying kiss in the process. "See you tonight !"


After being such well greated by Camille, the supervisor with the moustache —I've finally learned his name after months in that school— I walked up alone to my class, boiling with rage because of the words he had wrote on my carnet for my parents to sign. As if my dad would care about my ten minutes delay. Couldn't he just close his eyes for once ?

I took a deep breath when I arrived in front of Marcelin's classroom.

Spinoza. The Enlightenment. Rationalism.

Everything will be fine.

I knocked on the door twice, before I heard the teacher's voice allowing me to come in.

"Sorry for the delay, sir," I excused myself with a shy smile, closing the door behind me.

"I almost thought you were going to let that poor Belkacem do the presentation alone," Marcelin said playfully. "Come sit, Miss Delaunay."

Pichon and Annick were already standing at the board, and according to Annick's annoyed expression, I must have interrupted them. I winced slightly and walked across the rows, trying to be as discreet as possible when I heard Pichon continue his presentation, until I tripped on something and laughs erupted.

"Careful when you're walking, Delaunay. You could fall..." Descamps cooed and I realised that I didn't tripped on something, but he tripped me over. I shouted him a death stare, which made him scoff. Bastard.

I took a sit next to Belkacem, who happened to be right behind Descamps. Jean was nowhere to be seen, though. I took a look around the class to see if he hadn't sat next to someone else, but he obviously wasn't there today..

"Where were you ? I thought you abandoned me," Belkacem whispered next to me.

"Abandoned you ?" I chuckled as I opened my bag and put my stuff on my desk. "You're that much afraid of a presentation ?"

SAY MY NAME - [J. DESCAMPS]Where stories live. Discover now