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I walk into my dorm shutting the door behind me. Trust me I love Yale but lately it's been annoying! Me and ash haven't been hanging out a lot because of classes, and my dorm is so quiet! I asked for a two person dorm for the experience of college. But I'm two months in and I haven't got a roommate!! I was kinda wishing this would happen but I hate it! Everyone else is getting along and having roommates but I'm not. I take off my jacket. I stare as my picture wall. A lot of me and Asher, some acquaintances from my classes, some of my cousins, and a few of my mom and dad .Only like two is what I mean by a few. I've always loved my mom. Not the same with my dad. He did stuff, took stuff, and said stuff. Never showing love. And when my mom got into it too it hurt bad. So now I'm living with uncle saul.

But Ash is the only person I love here. He's the only person I've had ever! Our moms were friends and they freaked out when they were pregnant at the same time. Mom told me that they would go shopping for matching clothes for us all the time! She said every time they were close we would kick. She said it was like us trying to get to each other. And when we were born we could not get away from each other. We were tied at the hip! Me and Ash tell each other everything.

When he told me he is gay all I did was smile. I smiled because I knew already! Not like "oh I knew you were gay duh!" In that stupid voice every pick me does. I'm not a bitch! But he is. When I told I'm lesbian all he said was "oh I know!" With a dumb laugh.

I sit down at my desk opening my laptop. But my door swings open.

"God I should've have gave you that key!" I say rubbing my temple and giggling looking up at Ash. But he has a big smile on his face!

"Whatever el. But he likes me back!" He almost yells. I look at him. My mouth drops open.

"Omg what happened!" I say getting up from my chair jumping up and down. I grab his hand and drag him onto my bed.

"He talked to me!" Ash says laying next to me. He rolls over getting to my candy drawer getting out a bag of snickers.

"Ok tell me what happened." I say  rolling closer to him. He raps his arm around my shoulder pulling me close.

"So I was walking out of health and he asked me... "can you tutor me?" In like a tone I swear! He's obsessed with me!" Asher says. I pull back and look at him my mouth open wide in shock!

"I know but I'm the worst but when it comes to health! Oh yeah I stand strong by this! You can't be straight but study nursing!" Asher says. I giggle. "No I'm serious!" He says. We laugh.

"Ok but now you get to hang out with him!" I say smiling. Ash smiles and nods. "And what about you?" He asks looking at me.

"What?" I asks. "Are you talking to anyone?" He asks. I shake my head quickly.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because nobody here is talking to me except you and the teachers. And I don't like any of them!" I say looking at Asher.

"I know but like you need a college relationship! You haven't even experienced puppy love cause you're to scared to even talk to girls! That's why I'm your BOY best friend." He says shouting the boy. I pinch him. "Stop." I says.

"Quote from Euphoria. "You needa catch a dick!" Well in you case a pussy but—"

"Shut up ashtray!" I say smacking him.

"No I'm serious! Just a hookup!" Ash says pinching my thigh. That's something he does when he's serious or nervous. In this case serious.

"Ok I guess soon but not now!" I say. She looks at me.

"Ok get out of my dorm now I needa do my work!" I say pushing Ash off my bed.

"Ok ok!" Asher say running to the door.

"Bye love youuuuu!" Asher sings.

"Bye I love youuuuuuuu!" I sing back.

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