Sins Of The Father

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Deku was quiet as he held his son's hand and lead him back to their house. He was shaking all over, he kept seeing his little boy falling from the sky, both of his kidnappings flashing before his eyes. The flashbacks had gotten so bad that he had needed to have Toshinori drive them home. He frowned when he saw Ochaco, she looked like she had been crying, but she forced a smile when she saw them, Deku looked at the floor.

"I thought you went to bed."

"I woke up when you slipped out."

Deku sighed, "I'm sorry mochi, I was worried so I went to find these two."

"Where were they?" Ochaco murmured, glancing at her son and watching his gaze avoid hers. It broke her heart.

"They went for a walk to clear their heads."

Ochaco nodded, she knew it was a lie, but she supposed it was a kind lie. She looked at her son sadly, getting up, kissing his head.

"Goodnight Kazuku. I love you."

"I love you mama."

Kaz sighed as he watched his mom go back to her bedroom. Deku watched her too, sighing, he hated seeing Ochaco so upset.
"Go to bed." Deku sighed

Kaz frowned "But I thought we needed to-"

"We'll talk in the morning. I need to make sure your mother is okay." Deku huffed "And I feel like I need some distance from this before I talk to you about it."

He watched Kaz climb back into his blanket fort before he went to his bedroom. He crawled into her bed and grabbed her leg, pulling her closer to him with a huff. He kissed her nose and sighed.

"Are you okay?" he whispered

Ochaco looked him with a sigh "Where was he, really?"

Deku sighed "He was on top of the Botan Building." Deku huffed

Ochaco frowned "What was he doing there."

"Just thinking."

"I can tell when you lie to me."
"He was there to test Kaide's wings."

Ochaco frowned, looking at her chest as she began to cry

"He tried to jump-" Deku heard his wife's cries turn to sobs, and he sighed sadly "Toshinori rescued him I told him we would talk about it tomorrow. Everything is okay. He's fine."

"How? Izuku. He has been going out doing stuff like that for God Knows how long!"

Deku sighed "But he's okay. He isn't hurt. I know it seems impossible, but try not to worry okay? Let me worry."

Ochaco sighed "you act like I'm so fragile. You forget I'm the one who was there with him for the first eleven years of his life."

Her words jabbed at his skin like shards of glass, but Deku ignored it, it was unlikely she meant for him to take it the way he did.

"I'm not." he huffed "but the kids aren't just your responsibility, and I think it's best if I handle the vigilante justice aspect of all of this."

"Because I have been where he is. I get it. I think it will be easier for me to get through to him."

"You think he will listen to you?" Ochaco said sleepily

Deku smiled at her weakly, pushing her hair out of her face to kiss her forehead "I think he will ask for help at some point, and I'll be there. Until than, I'll have Toshinori and Kacchan help him. I know he respects them more than he respects me, and I know he's too scared to ask you.. I also know, I'm the one whose life trajectory has been closest to his own. So I really believe he will ask me for help some day."

Cradle To The GraveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora