He Has His Father's Hair

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Toga stared at the road ahead of herself, gripping her steering wheel with white knuckles as she tried to keep her tears from blinding her. She couldn't wreck her car, Pup was in the car with her. She looked over at her, she wasn't sticking her head out the window like she usually did. She was just staring out of it. She moved her hand to run a hand through her mousy brown hair and smiled weakly as her head moved closer to her hand. She sighed, she had moved on from the league of villains, it felt like it was a whole other lifetime ago, and maybe that was why the idea of losing Fuyumi scared her so much, the connection between who she was and who she is had been eroding for so long, losing one more thread on that tether, was something that terrified her. If she lost who she had been, it seemed likely that she could lose who she had become. Shiggy was dead, the heroes she had crushes on had married each other. She was the sole surviving member of the league, and she was just a boring mom. In fact, her daughter was friends with the number one hero's son, and preparing to go to school at UA in the fall. She was happy with who she was, she wanted to keep being this version of her, could she be without Fuyumi? She felt terribly selfish, Fuyumi was a mom, she had a family, and here she was, worrying about herself. She huffed, she supposed she had always been selfish. Even when Ochaco fell from the sky, she hadn't tried to comfort Deku, instead, she had hurled accusations at his head. How if he loved her he wouldn't have let her die. What an awful dad he was, how she was more of a husband to Ochaco than he ever had been. Deku said he forgave her, but he had been colder towards her since that day. She believed everything she had said, but she shouldn't have said it.

    She got a call from Ochaco, Pup answered it putting it on speaker in the car, and Toga tried to pull herself together.

    "Hey!" Ochaco sounded warm, like always "Uh. The kids have been wondering if Pup is coming over! And I would uh.. I would love to see you, Himikochan."

    Toga huffed, of course Ochaco was worried about her. "We're on our way." Toga replied, laughing as she heard Ochaco's daughter say 'I'm right here mommy' in the background.

    "Okay good, Dekukun is ordering out, is it safe to order your usual?"

    "From where?"

    "Just that place a couple blocks down."

    Toga nodded "Yeah."

    "Does Pup still like soba?"

    Pup nodded "Yes please."

    Ochaco nodded "good to know. When can we expect you?"

    "Twenty minutes." Toga replied

    "Okay! Looking forward to it." Ochaco replied, somehow Toga could hear the smile in her voice. She nodded
    "We'll be there soon."

    "Okay, bye Himikochan." Ochaco smiled softly as she hung up the phone

    Deku looked at her with a slight frown, it would always make him a little bit sad that Toga seemed to make his wife happier than he did, but he had brought it on himself. Sending Toga into his home to help Ochaco when he couldn't. When Ochaco was recovering from her injuries, it wasn't him helping her chase their son around the house and keep it livable. It was Toga. He had been looking for a successor, so that he could be home more, but that really didn't matter, did it? Because, when Ochaco and Kaz needed him most, he had turned his back on them in favor of Melissa Shield's son. He had hoped they would understand, and they seemed to, but he still resented his decision everytime someone asked him if he had given Melissa more than a hug at Allmight's funeral. If Toshinori was his successor over Kaz because he felt he 'owed him that much'. What terrible rumors for him to stir while his wife was recovering from traumatic injuries. What terrible seeds to be planted into his little boy's head, as he watched his mother heal from injuries caused by his father, without his father. No wonder Kaz hated him.

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