S02E03 The Third Trial Begins! A Battle Between Friends!

Start from the beginning

Everyone turned to Red, who silently shook his head. Stamos nodded, then once again knocked his gavel against the table, announcing that the meeting had been adjourned. Everyone stood up and left, apart from Ngaire and Blake who stayed sitting with Stamos.

"Do you think Ash will pass today?" Blake asked him.

Stamos shrugged. "I sure hope so. I really do."


Sitting with his friends in the mess hall, Ash sneezed right before going back to the meal in front of him. Meadow, Bolt, and Shade all had a stack of pancakes in front of them whilst Ash had a snake egg omelet. He was chowing down unapologetically as his friends stared at him, Shade and Bolt disgusted but Meadow giggling.

"Wow!" Ash said, taking a breath in between bites. "This snake egg omelet is to die for!"

"He's putting me off my pancakes," Shade said.

"Me too," Bolt added.

Chef came out from the kitchen wearing his chef hat and leather chef's jacket, a grin on his face as he watched Ash devour his meal.

"Enjoying ya omelet there guvna?" He asked.

"Incredible, guvna!" Ash replied as he finished his breakfast with a burp. "Is there more?"

"Coming right up!" Chef said as started walking back to the kitchen. "Ya gonna need all the strengf ya can get for today's trial!"

Meadow looked over nervously. "Is anybody else feeling a bit anxious about the trial today?"

Ash shook his head. "No way! I'm excited! The thought of battling you guys is making me itch!"

"I'm not anxious either," Shade answered. "I know I have what it takes to defeat all three of you. No offense or anything."

Meadow looked at all three of her friends. Ash had a grin on his face, Shade was determined, and Bolt remained quiet. He must have been feeling the same anxiety as Meadow. He still didn't know how to use his powers properly after all. Then she noticed something, a small smirk on Bolt's face. Could it be that he had figured something out? Meadow was unsure but it sent a shiver down her spine nonetheless.


The time had come. Ash, Meadow, Shade, and Bolt all stood in a ring in the training arena behind the clubhouse. Seats around the ring were filled with members of the Aces of Spades, cheering and applauding, waiting for the action to take place. All of the ranking members sat off to the side, as well as Ngaire, together in a group except for Red who stood in the ring before the quad of potential Prospects. He was holding a box in hand with a hole in the top.

"Okay," Red said. "So, this is how it's going to work. First off, in order to defeat your opponent, you must either knock them unconscious, or out of the ring. Second, no deadly weapons. Shade, that means your shadow sword is off limits. Bolt, your arrows have been replaced with spherical tips meaning they can't penetrate your opponents however will still be able to conduct electricity. Ash, Meadow, you both need to be mindful about how much power you're putting into your attacks."

They all nodded. Shade took his shadow sword off of his belt and tossed it outside the ring.

"Now," Red continued. "You'll each come over here and pick a number from this box I'm holding. The number you receive will determine who you're going up against. For example, if you get number three, you'll be squaring off against the person who got number four. Bolt, since you got the highest score on the exam, you're up first."

Bolt nodded, and walked over to Red, putting his hand inside the box. He pulled it out and revealed a small piece of paper with the number four on it. He went back to his spot in line and now it was Meadow's turn to pick a number. She gingerly walked over, and hesitated before putting her hand in the box. After pulling her hand out, she revealed the number two on her piece of paper. She went back to her place in line and next, it was Shade, who strode up to the box with the utmost confidence. He dipped a hand in, and brought it back out with a piece of paper that read the number three. He took his place back in line, and Red cleared his throat.