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Start from the beginning

In the bathroom I finished my shampoos, shower gels, deodorant and most importantly toothpaste and toothbrush. I didn't have room in my suitcase anymore so I packed it in my backpack, which I take with me.

I lit a cigarette by the window and smoked it. I spent the rest of the time on the phone and when it was time to leave, I walked downstairs with my suitcase.

I put on my black Converskis and left the house. My mom was standing by the car and helped me put my suitcase in the trunk of the car. I sat in the passenger seat and put my headphones in my ears.

I took one last look at the house I wouldn't be living in for a while and then we left. Neither of us said anything, I was just either on my phone or looking out the window.

The whole trip I was wondering what it would be like, what kind of people would be there, if I would make any friends. I was already used to being alone but I'm going to a completely new place, I definitely wouldn't mind a few friends. Maybe things will be better, but maybe they'll be worse.

I was so preoccupied I didn't even notice we'd arrived in front of a big brick building. Hell, if I didn't know better, I'd think it was a castle. There were flowers planted and trees growing around the building. Is this going to be my school? You better watch out, Mom, or I'm gonna start thinking I'm spoiled.

I craned my neck because it hurt all the way here and when we parked I opened the car door and got out. Mom got out too and walked over to me.

"We're going to see the headmistress and then she'll take you to your new room," she said and made her way to the entrance. I matched pace with her and we opened the door. The hallways were empty because it was Saturday. Good thing, because if I had to pace the hallway like I was in a movie, I'd rather kill myself. Finally we came to a door that said


Mom knocked on the door and after a moment there was a quiet invitation to come in. When we entered the room, a rather young woman was sitting at the desk. She could have been in her 30s. She saw us and immediately started grinning from ear to ear.

"Mrs. Torres, it's so nice to meet you. I assume you'll be Drea?" She asked sweetly and I just hummed. We both shook her hand and sat down.

"Thank you for letting Drea come in during the year, Mrs. McKinney. There was a problem at the old school and it had to be fixed," my mother said disappointedly. We were back to our old mood again.

"But of course, I believe you will like it here Drea, I have a class schedule for you, here, take a look at it," she handed me a paper that was laminated. I quickly read through the schedule and was sort of satisfied with it. "Is there anything you would like to change?"

"No, I'm fine with everything, thank you." It cost me everything to be nice but I didn't want to be on her bad side, certainly not after what happened at the last school.

My mom then talked to Mrs. McKinney about my room where I would be staying, I learned that I would have a roommate, about holidays, about the cafeteria and other things. To be honest, I didn't really listen to most of it.

When I saw they both stood up, I did the same thing. Mrs. McKinney pulled some keys out of a drawer, which would probably be to my new room. She handed them to me and I put them in my pocket. The three of us headed out the door to the exit and Mom sent me to the car to get my suitcase.

When I finally got it out of the trunk of the car, I walked back to them and we walked down the hallway to the elevator. We got in and went up to the second floor. We stopped at the very end of the hallway at the last door on the right.

Room 235.

Oh my god I wrote another chapter

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Oh my god I wrote another chapter. I would like to thank two readers who voted.

This chapter may be even shorter than the first one, but I wrote it for quite some time. I'm trying, please be patient.

Here, you can take a look on Dreas class schedule:

Here, you can take a look on Dreas class schedule:

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