That smart guy - Rapmon

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(A/n) so hey guys, this Imagine is long overdue I wrote this even before Dope era so yeah, please bare with me ❤❤

You were sitting silently on the corner of the room, confused of what the professor is saying

"Fuck. Why is this so fuckin hard?!" You mentally exclaimed.

Then your jerk-of-a-professor called your attention

"Ms. ____. Why does matter exert a gravitational force? Why does a charge have an electric field?"

Shit. I loath him right now.

"It's exerts force by .. because.. Fuc-

You were cut off by Kim Namjoon, the smartest guy in our class, or maybe even the whole campus.

The Campus' Cold Prince.

"The result of the electric shock created by atoms.." he continued to babble but all you could do was to stare at him, eyes wide open.

Until a smirk slowly crept up to your face.

Did he just save me from utter embarassment?

When classes ended your bestfriend, Moniq, asked if ever you were related to him, but all you could do was to say no.

"Really? I heard he never and I mean never talks to anybody in this school well except for the professors but, yeah. It's quite hard to understand why he stood up for you.."

"I swear Moniq, I don't know him. Maybe he just wants additional points because he a nerd and all.."

Your words hang low because he passed by, silencing the both you for a minute before laughing like retarded seals

Well that was awkward.

(next day)

"Okay I understand. Okay okay. I'll just stop by my locker to get my books and then I'll go okay? Bye."

Today's the annual School Ball, and Moniq has been pursuing you to come with her, but there's a problem.

You don't have an escort.

You want to join her, really bad. Its your last year now in highschool and you don't wanna miss it.

You were about to leave when you saw him approaching you, thinking that maybe he'll ask you to be his date. But much to your dismay, he wasn't heading for you, he's heading for his locker. Which is beside you.

"Are you going to the ball later?"



"Stop taking the fuck out of me, you little shit!"

What the fuck?

Everyone stared at the both of you so all you did was to run because you were to embarrassed to even look at them

After the dreaded conversation you had with him you went straight home and changed your clothes, ending up with a sleeveless black loose crop top, dark denim skinny jeans and some black ankle boots.

You were too embarrassed to even go back there.

Out of all people, he chose to yell at you,In the hallway.

Not that your overreacting but you were the type of person who cares about what the people would say, so it embarrassed the hell out of you when he did that.

Finally deciding where you'd go, you fetch your car keys and drove there

La'Vier Fashion.

As you made your way inside, the employee's greeted you and complemented your outfit

You love dressing up. Maybe bacause it runs in the family, your mother is Designer while your father was a former celebrity.

That's also the reason why he married me.

After doing the rest of your remaining time in designing , it was finally time to go home.

And to see him.

45 minutes. It took you 45 minutes to get home, even if it was only supposed to be 10 minutes.

You made sure you never make even the tiniest of noise or he'll know you've arrived.

"Where the hell are you from? It's 8:30 already?! "



Part 2? I'll upload it as soon as possible, promise

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