Chapter 15

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"You said previously that you met the defendant years prior to now, correct?"


"And did you ever consider him a friend?"

'You've got to be kidding me...' I try hard not to roll my eyes.

"No, I never considered him a friend."

"And you had said he got extremely touchy with you after meeting you?"


Jamison gives me a look, one I can't really decipher. "Did you ever consider this is simply his way of showing affection?"

"Objection, leading."

"Overruled. Mr. Jamison, you may continue."

He turns back to me. "Please answer the question."

"No, I had never and still have never seen him show any other person affection like that."

I have to force myself not to glare at the man in front of me. My soulmates, however, see no problem doing so.

"Maybe you just are not around him enough," Jamison suggests. "Have you ever hung out with him with his friends, outside of your little group?"

"I'm sorry, my little group?" I am not appreciating his attitude at all.

"Your group of friends." Jamison elaborates with a smirk.

I take a peek at the jury. They don't seem to enjoy his tone either.

"Yes I have been around him without my friends. I can't be with them 24/7 afterall. And his actions didn't become better when we were alone or around his friends."

Jamison pauses for a moment, and I take this chance to look towards Sidney, who gives me an encouraging head nod. I can see the annoyance towards the defense attorney clearly in her eyes.

"You have previously stated that the defendant would show up at your work, yes?"


"And you own a bakery?"

"Yes, I do."

Jamison's smirk widens and his eyes narrow a bit. "So, isn't it possible that the defendant could have just liked the food at your bakery?"

"Objection, leading the witness!"

The judge nods. "Sustained, please rephrase your question."

"Of course," Jamison hums, facing me again. "How do you know if the defendant was at your bakery to see you, and not just to get some baked goods?"

"Well," I try to keep myself from rolling my eyes. "He would never actually buy anything when he came. He would just sit at one of the tables and watch me. Or, try to come up and talk to me while I was working."

"Could he just have been looking to see what you had that day?"

"Objection, leading again!"

Jamison groans under his breath, but I hear it.


"How do you know he wasn't just looking to see what you had?"

I sigh, once again trying to keep my annoyance towards this man under wraps. "Because he would stay there for hours and anytime I looked over, he was staring at me or trying to talk to me, not looking at the food case."

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