Chapter 9

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"Kitten, are you sure you will be alright?" Minho asks for the fourth time this morning, eyes scanning mine as he waits for a response.

All of the boys had asked me some form of the question over the span of the morning, whether when I had just woken up, or during breakfast, or while I am currently getting ready, they've all asked me that question.

"Honestly I'm not sure," I sigh, looking at him from where I had been facing the mirror. "But I can't focus on whether I will be okay or not, I need to do this."

"I know I just, we just," He pauses, shoulders dropping. "Wish you didn't have to do this."

"Me too Bun. But I do, so I'm going to focus on making it through. And when it's done and I win, we can rest for. a little while. Maybe stay an extra fews days in the states to rest. How's that sound?"

"Sounds perfect," he hums, smiling. "Now we just have to get there."

"And we will," I assure him.

"Okay I'm going to go finish getting ready," Minho gives you a short hug and then slips out of the room.

You turn back to the mirror and physically deflate. "It's going to be fine. Just focus on why you are doing this. Your soulmates will be right there, nothing will happen. Just breathe."

When you feel sufficiently dressed and ready, you leave the bathroom and head towards the main living space, finding all but Minho already there.

"I know this isn't a fantastic event we are going to," Felix begins with a smile. "But you look hot dressed up for court."

"Aw thanks," I smile, moving over and hugging him tightly. "I was hoping I embodied that revenge style."

I chuckle a little bit at my comment, Felix and a few of the others joining me. When I stop giggling, Felix pulls me tighter into his chest, holding me securely. I nuzzle into his neck, allowing his arms to give me comfort. 

"I think you definitely got the right outfit," he mumbles into my hair. 


I turn my body in Felix's arms, moving to face Chan without leaving the arms wrapped tightly around me. 

"I think we are going to have some time before we have to be there, do you want to stop at a cafe (support local cafes, not Starbucks cause we don't support genocide in this house) or something before court?"

"I'd like that if you guys don't mind," I respond, shooting him a soft smile.

Chan nods his head. "Of course."

"Alright loves, i'm ready," Minho calls as he enters the living room.

I finally focus on the outfits of the boys, all sporting suits or button ups and nice slacks. 

"You guys cleaned up for this," I smile.

"Well if you're going to look as hot as you do, we had to keep up," Hyunjin responds, throwing me a wink. 

I flush, but roll my eyes. "I appreciate the attempts, but I'm still better."

Hyunjin gasps, raising a hand to his mouth in faux shock. "Rude."

"You're right though baby," Changbin hums. "You definitely look better than us. Going to have the jury falling for you."

"Which could speed up the trial," Jisung adds with a bright smile.

"Gods if only it was that easy," I huff. "I have a feeling it won't be though."

I pause, looking down at my phone and sighing. Slowly, I pull myself out of Lix's arms, much to his displeasure. "We've got to get going if I'm going to get my daily caffeine fix before we need to get to the courthouse."

The two youngest look at each other for a brief moment, before each taking one of my hands and dragging me out the front door, causing the older boys to yell out for them to slow down.

"You're sitting in between us," Jeongin instructed, Seungmin nodding in agreement.

We greet the driver once we reach the van, Seungmin pulls the door of the van open immediately after. He pulls himself in and turns to help me in after him. Jeongin squeezes in after, making sure the others don't have the ability to get to me. Chan and Minho roll their eyes as the others finally make it to the van as well. Once everyone's in the van, Chan asks the driver to make a stop at a local cafe near the house before heading to the courthouse. 

"What are you going to get?" Jisung questions as we reach the cafe, having stolen me from the two youngest as soon as I got out of the car. Jisung and Changbin had stayed outside with me while the others went in for drinks.

"Probably just my usual," I hum, grabbing a hold of his hand. "I want something comforting before all this shit has to start."

He nods with a small smile. "I figured as much. Good thing Channie is already heading up to order that for you."

I quickly peck his cheek, smiling wide at my soulmate. "God I love you."

He brightens quickly, a flush beginning to spread on his neck and up to his ears. Enjoying the reaction, I peck his other cheek, then place a soft kiss on his lips. He all but melts, a soft giggle escaping him when I back away. 

"I don't know why getting Channie to order your favorite got that reaction out of you," Jisung airily begins. "But I'm not going to complain."

Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around my waist, pulling me away from Jisung. I let out a huff as I'm pulled against a strong chest, which rumbles as a laugh leaves them.

"Binnie why'd you take Y/N?" Jisung whines, pouting at our old soulmate. "I was very much enjoying his/her/their gratitude."

"Considered we are currently in the middle of a cafe, I didn't want you two getting carried away," Changbin chuckles, before nuzzling into my hair for a moment. "Please, we don't need our baby looking too messy once we get there. But by all means, I won't stop anything when we get back to the house tonight."

"Are you going to want to join?" I raise an eyebrow, lips quirking up into a smirk. "I'm sure Sungie doesn't mind, and I sure don't."

"If you're up for it, I'd love to join."

Changbin leans down to peck my lips then pulls back to repeat the action with Jisung. 

"Alright break it up," Chan chuckles as the other six join us. "We've got places to be."

He passes me my drink and I take it from him, sending him a grateful smile.  "Thank you love. Okay, are we ready to get going?"

"I think we got everything so yeah," Chan nods and we get back in the van, with myself once again between the maknaes. 

"We are going to be right behind you," Seungmin hums once we are back in the van. "We'll shove  people if we have to, to be behind you."

I giggle and roll my eyes. "Please do not shove anyone out of the way. That's a little rude."

"No it's not," Jeongin counters. "It's completely understandable for soulmates to shove people out of the way in order to be able to support our soulmate. One hundred percent understandable."

"Sure honey," I pat his cheek with a smile. "Whatever makes you feel better. Just try not to make a commotion about it."

Both of the youngest nod their heads immediately, giving me very unconvincing smiles. 

"Don't worry kitten," Minho calls from where he is sitting up front. "Channie and I will make sure they don't do anything too drastic."

Before I can respond, the van parks and I sigh. 

"Well, I guess it's finally time do this."


Update, the court process is gonna be wild cause I am trying my best to write it, but it's gonna be rough.

Also, terribly sorry this was so late, Ive had exam after exam and I am coming up on finals season so I've been busy. But hopefully I can get things updated at least this week and next before finals start. But, my last final is on dec. 14, so I should at least be able to update after that.

Any, hope y'all are eating/drinking water!!!!!

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