Chapter 16: About to Be Busted

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Ruggie yelps, "Wuh-oh. I think we're about to be busted."

Just then, the Water Fairy calls out, "Over here!"

This spells trouble for Ruggie and the others because the Fairies discover where they're hiding.

Just then they're about to get caught, someone calls out, "Hey. You."

And another voice calls out, "Excuse us!"

"Hm?" The Water Fairy reply, confused.

"Huh?!" Grim and Ruggie react, shocked.

Sereia realizes, "Those voices..."

And walking towards the fairies are Briar and Leona.

"You. Yes, you," Keona says.

The Water Fairy recognizes them, "Wait, it's you! The ones whose show enveloped the whole venue in a swirl of incredible emotion... The noble faes of...wherever you're from!"

"Um yes. We're from very far away," Briar says.

Briar says in thought, "Far than they can imagine.

Leona says to the fairy, "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

Soon, Ruggie whispers whole hiding, "Heeeyyy, Leona! Nice save!"

"Did he come to bail us out?" Grim whispers.

"Safe bet," Ruggie says.

"With Briar there, I'm sure they've come to help us," Sereia adds.

Just then, Leona says to the fairy, "The water in my dressing room is lukewarm. I only drink cold water. Change it out. Now."

Seeing what's happening, Grim whispers, "Wow, Leona can sell the fame monster act like nobody's business."

"Oh, that's not an act. That's just Leona in his natural element," Ruggie says.

But the Water Fairy says, "B-but sir, I'm a guard—"

"What's that? Are you telling me no?" The Water Fairy questions with a frown.

The Water Fairy panics "N-NO! I mean, not no to that..." and notices something, "Wh-what's happening? I feel the strangest...compulsion."

"The fairy's shrinkin' in Leona's presence," Grim whispers.

"Their attention's totally fixated on Leona. I guess now it's Operation Steal the Guard's Focus!" Ruggie says.

Leona begins moving his lips.

Sereia soon notices, "Hm? Hey, Leona's mouthing something."

Ruggie notices Leona's mouthing and whispers, "Letters? S... C... R..."

Turns out, Leona is mouthing the letters, 'S-C-R-A-M.'

Ruggie understands, "Okay, that's our cue to slip out."

"Time to make a break for it!" Grim says.

"Then let's hurry," Sereia says.

With that, Ruggie, Grim, and Sereia begin sneaking off while Leona and Briar talk to the two fairies.

Sometime later...

The three are able to get out of the botanical Garden with the magestone tiara in tow. They rush out as fast as they can and are tired.

"We made it...outta the Fairy Gala..." Grim says, exhausted.

"We should be in the clear. Anyone behind us?" Ruggie says and looks behind him.

So far, there's no one.

" ...Nope, we're good," Ruggie says.

"Still, we did it, we got the Magestone back," Sereia says.

"Now we can get back to good ol' student life!" Grim says.

The three happily cheer, "YEAH!"

"The show team should be leaving through the front. Let's meet up," Ruggie says.

Everyone departs to deliver the tiara and the magestone.

Twisted Wonderland - Fairy Gala: Operation Steal the ShowWhere stories live. Discover now