Chapter 3: Take Back the Magestone

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After returning to the Headmage's office, they discuss what they need to do to get the magestone back.

Crowley says, "So, in review, you have two tasks. One, see the Fairy Gala through to completion. Two, take back the magestone. These objectives must be achieved in tandem. With that established, I open up the floor to discussion."

Kalim turns to Malleus, "Say, Malleus. You're a fae like the queen, right? What if you went up and were like, 'Hey, 'scuse me. That stone is valuable to us. Can we have it back?'

But Malleus explains, "The fae are no monolithic entity. We come in many different varieties. There are flora fae, light fae, fauna fae... Everything from thistle fae to dragons like myself fall under the same broad umbrella. We come in different sizes, and speak different languages. Not all of us get along, either—much like humans, really. Were I to so much as set foot in their gala, those tiny fairies would grow frightened and scatter to the winds."

"Tch," Leona scoffs, "Some help you are. If reasoning with them is off the table, then our only option left is force."

"That would only aggravate matters," Azul says, "Perhaps we should explore methods of taking it back peacefully without being noticed."

"What about Briar? Isn't she a fae too?" Kalim asks. "And with her kind personality, I'm sure she can ask the queen to give it back, and ask Trinket to help."

"True, however, Salubrious Faes are practically extinct. I wouldn't be surprised if they're aware of the that species of faes extinction. It would be a shocking sight if the last of that kind were to show up," Malleus says, "And also, Briar is still trying to understand her fae genes as well and powers."

"I have to agree with Malleus. I don't think Briar is ready for meeting other faries or faes in this Gala," Riddle says.

Then Vil says, "If an inconspicuous solution is our aim... then what if we crafted an imitation tiara and swapped it for the real one? As an actor, I can tell you that most jewelry used in movie filming is just imitation costume jewelry. Of course, it's convincing enough to fool laypeople so long as they refrain from scrutiny."

"You make a fine observation," Malleus says, "As far as I could tell, those fairies were only regarding the magestone as a pretty rock. A counterfeit would go unnoticed, as long as it remains aesthetically identical."

"But how would you even make the swap?" Idia asks, "You saw how well-guarded the queen was. How's an outsider gonna get close to her without drawing a bunch of aggro?"

The Fairy Gala is a large-scale event, yes? Surely they cannot keep track of every single attendee. Getting close to the queen on the day of the gala wouldn't draw any undue suspicion," Vil says.

And Crowley says, "Sneaking into the Fairy Gala, reaching the tiara, and swapping it out with a fake... That's quite the cunning plan! However, there's one snag. It hinges on having some manner of magic spell or item that disguises someone as a fairy, a prospect as unrealistic as it is—"

Suddenly, someone calls out, "—IN STOCK!"

Kalim yelps in response, "Whoa there!"

"I recognize that voice..." Riddle says.

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