Chapter 5: The Infiltration Team

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Crowley has explained everything to the boys, "And there you have it, boys. The continued peace and well-being of our school is in your hands."

"Count me in! I'm all too happy to help," Kalim happily says.

But Leona says, "Well, count me OUT. Why should I have anything to do with infiltrating some dumb party? Let me be clear: I HATE schmoozing. Galas? Gag. Balls? Barf. Et cetera."

Crowley approaches Leona and whispers, "Kingscholar, consider the possibility that Asim fails in his endeavor and spring is not forthcoming. Wouldn't you be among those most affected by that state of affairs, as a feline beastman? A perpetual winter would sap you of your drive."

Leona remains silent in response.

Crowley continues, "Savanaclaw has many beastman students, and I imagine that temperature changes do them no favors. They'd have trouble staying active. Your dorm's performance and energy would plummet drastically. Are you willing to accept that risk?"

Without another choice, Leona scoffs, "Tch. Fine, whatever."

Kalim cheers, "Woohoo! A fairy party! This is so exciting." He then asks, "Say, is it okay if I bring Jamil along for this? I'd hate for him to miss out."

"By all means. In fact, I insist you do. I'd certainly rest a lot easier that way," Crowley says, "You could use an attendant yourself, Kingscholar. Someone to keep you honest and prevent you from stealing away the moment I'm not watching." He thinks a minute and says, "Hmmm... How about Howl, your fellow Savanaclaw student? He's a diligent sort."

Leona questions, "Are you serious? That guy's the textbook definition of inflexible. And with him around—" and then says, "Point is, I'm ruling him out. Make it Ruggie."

"Bucchi?" Crowley says, confused. Then asks, "Are you sure your motive there isn't having someone who will follow your lead and enable you to skip out on your duties?"

"Do you trust me or not? If you don't, take me off the infiltration team," Leona responds.

"How can a student of this school be so selfish when his home away from home is facing a crisis?" Crowley asks, "I'll assign you a gopher—ah, I mean, a mediator who will report back to me in a timely manner. I've already called them over, in fact."

"Could it be who I think it is?" Kalim asks.

Malleus says, "I believe I know who it is. In fact, I was going to recommend he have her assistance."

"Really? Who?" Kalim asks.

Soon, Briar and her friends walk into the headmage office.

"Hello Headmage, we got here as soon as we could," Briar says.

"What can we do to help, headmage?" Sereia asks.

Then Grim begins to complain, "It's as hot as a desert at Ramshackle Dorm!

The whole place is gonna be uninhabitable for those of us among the livin' if someone doesn't do something about this, STAT."

"I figure the headmage would ask you to assist us with the situation, Briar. You and your friends," Malleus says.

"You're getting in on the Fairy Gala too, huh? I couldn't ask for better backup. Welcome aboard!" Kalim happily says.

Leona is annoyed, "All these herbivores... I'm not some sheep dog, for the record."

"You don't have to be afraid, Leona. I'll make sure to look after you!" Kalim happily says.

That just makes Leona even more annoyed, "Excuse me?"

"I see a fight is brewing already," Crowley says.

"Um yes," Briar replies.

Tanzanite then says, "Headmage, have you seen Trinket? We can't seem to find her."

"We looked all over," Jasper says.

Leona sighs, "We know where your little fairy friend went to."

"Really?" Sereia asks.

Malleus then explains, "Briar, it appears that your Fairy friend is taking part at this year's Fairy Gala, where all the fairies of their land gather. An important magestone of the school has been taken, and it's the cause that the weather in the school was behaving strangely."

"I see, but how is this involved with Trinket?" Briar asks.

"Your stupid fairy friend helped the other fairies place the magestone in a tiara that is now on the Fairy Queen's head," Leona says.

"What?" Briar asks, shocked.

"I'm sure she didn't mean too. It's basically a pretty stone in her eyes, but we need to get the Magestone back," Kalim says.

"If not, school will be canceled and we'll have to repeat a year," Leona says.

"Oh no. That sounds serious, especially the weather condition that happened at the Ramshackle Dorm," Briar says.

"You were scolding hot, but my dorm was like a blizzard," Kalim says.

"Now you understand that our situation is very dire. Your job is to keep an eye on our infiltrators and ensure they don't cause problems at the Fairy Gala," Crowley says.

"Yes, sir," Briar says.

"The success of this operation is riding on you!" Crowley says.

"Lucky me," Briar replies.

Malleus says, "Don't worry, I think you can handle it."

"Thank you, but I feel that there's more to what I need to do to help out," Briar says.

"Indeed. Briar and Sereia will take part in the show with the others," Crowley says.

Briar starts to get nervous, "Oh... oh boy..."

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