Chapter 12: It Pays to Be Kind

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Everyone decides to follow Kalim to where he hurries off to. Soon, they reach the location at a different part of the Botanical Garden from the outside.

Jamil asks, "All right, what are we here for?"

"Look, over here!" Kalim answers, and shows them what he found.

Briar and the others look to notice something.

"Something's on the ground," Briar says.

Everyone looks to see a small craft fairy with a mushroom cap on her head lying down on the ground and doesn't look good. She lets out tings in response.

Grim reacts in surprise, "Whoa! A teeny little human is doubled over by the side of the walkway!"

"I'm guessing from those transparent wings that this is a fairy?" Ruggie says.

"And it's a Craftfairy, just like Trinket," Sereia adds.

The Craftfairy tings in response.

"I found them on my way in. I think they're feeling sick. But I don't understand them, so I'm not sure what I can do to help," Kalim says.

"Wow, Kalim. You're an honest-to-goodness nice guy," Ruggie comments.

Leona scoffs, "Tch. More like a time-waster."

Briar kneels to get a closer look at the fairy, "The poor thing. It doesn't look so good."

"Whenever I'm feeling under the weather, Jamil gives me the perfect meds to make it better. So I was wondering if he might be able to figure out where the fairy's hurting," Kalim says.

"I'm not exactly an expert on fairy biology, but let's seem," Jamil says and kneels down to see the fairy, "They're clutching their stomachs in pain. Does your stomach hurt?"

The Craftfairy responds, "Ting-a-ling!"

"I think that's it. She does look like she's having pain in her stomach," Briar answers.

"A tummy ache, huh? I think I might have..." Kalim says, but then remembers, "Ah, I do!" He then brings out a small bottle, "I always keep a stomach-soothing potion on hand in case of emergency! Jamil brewed it with medicinal herbs. Here, try some. I'm sure it'll help in no time."

The Craftfairy tings in response.

Then drinks the potion Kalim gives to.

Just then, the craftfariy hops right up, and begins to fly.

She then turns to Kalim with happy, "Ta-ting! Ta-ting!"

Kalim asks, in concern, "Whoa, what's wrong? You hopped up so quickly there. Don't tell me I made things worse!"

The craftfairy begins flying around with a smile on her face. Then flies to Kalim and happily says, "Ting! Ting, ting!*

Kalim is confused, "Um... Nope, I'm totally lost. Sorry."

Briar whispers, "I think she's thanking you for helping her."

"You think so?" Kalim asks.

Just then, the craftfairy lets out a, "... TING!"

She then brings out a hammer and begins bashing something, and begins making something.

"They pulled out a hammer and now they're bashing something with it..." Ruggie says.

"Must be making something," Leona says.

Soon enough, the little craftfairy makes a silver bell, and presents it to Kalim, "Ta-ting!" then pushes the bell to her hand.

"What is this, a bell? For me?" Kalim asks, and soon takes the bell, "You don't have to shove it into my hands! Are you mad at me?"

Suddenly, the craftfairy actually says, "NO! I'm trying to thank you, for goodness' sake!"

"Huh?!" Everyone reacts in surprise.

Craftfairy then says, "My stomachache disappeared in the blink of an eye. Thank you for the medicine."

"Oh! Uh, that's great, but..." Kalim says, confused.

And Jamil says, "I suddenly understand what you're saying. Why's that?"

Isn't it obvious? It's the translator bell I just gave you," The Craftfairy says, "Larger fae need translator bells to converse with smaller fairies. It's in indispensable tool at a place as packed with fae as the Fairy Gala. Did all of you forget yours at home? Heh heh heh. Rookie mistake!"

"Ooh, I get it now. I had no—" Kalim says, but Jamil covers his mouth, "Mmph!"

"Yes, that's right," Jamil says, "It's the one thing we should never leave home without, yet we all did just that. We were in quite the bind, let me tell you."

"I still can't believe I did that!" Ruggie says with a smile, "Ruggie, you bonehead, you."

"But you whipped one up just like that, huh? What's your deal?" Leona questions.

"Oh, that's hardly an impressive feat for me. After all, I'm a craftfairy!" The craftfairy says, "Ah, but where are my manners? My name's Fairy Macy, and I'm the leader of the craftfairies. If you've all forgotten your bells, allow me to provide you with replacements. It's the least I can do after you so kindly came to my aid!"

"Wow, really? Thanks a bunch!" Kalim says with a smile.

"It pays to be kind," Briar says.

"I would've steered clear altogether if it were me. Hats off to Kalim, I guess..." Ruggie says.

He then turns to Briar, "Say Briar, how were you able to understand a bit of what that fairy is saying?"

"Well, I didn't fully understand her, but after being with Trinket for so long, I was able to pick up her body language, along with the ting and tinking sound she makes," Briar says.

"It also pays to already have a fairy friend," Grim says.

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