Subject 11: The Opening to the Shuffle Game

Start from the beginning

"I guess that's...all right"

Later on, with the birds chirping somewhere in the background. Now exchanging phone numbers, I broke the silence.

"But why me...?"

She stopped fidgeting to her phone after hearing my question. "You were really cool...during the relay event at the sports festival."

'That...made sense.'

"I feel like you're handsome the more I look you closely. You seem quiet and kind..." Her face went red as she trailed her sentence off.

Looks like she can't control her emotion, showed by her then ran away from embarrassment. "Anyway, that's why!" She shouted whilst she ran.

'Did I flop that off...? I hope not.' I evaluate myself once again. It has been a while since I interacted with girls.

Feeling someone's gaze lasered straight to my back. I turned to inspect Karuizawa who has heard the entire conversation.

Pacing my steps ever so carefully so it doesn't let go any unnecessary noises. Creating more tension for her to lift along with the realization that she has been caught.



Her scream cut my sentence as she looked at me, surprised by how did I knew she was there.

My eyes blink twice in subtle confusion. Widened by the fact that she just trying to startle me. 'What...are you on about?'

Closing her mouth with her right hand. Embarrassed, she tried to continue like nothing has happened.

"Umm, sorry. I tried to yelp there. So, why are you here?" She smiled. Her eyes twitched by my cold and indifferent sight.

I turned to the trees and the coincidental bird chirping that was just there to avoid eye contact. What would I suppose to do? Tell her straight why is she her-

"It seems you've recovered, Karuizawa-san." I asked. Still directing my eyes to the side.

Her eyes widened by my statement. Her face indicates that she's surprised but she appreciates me congratulating her, if you could even call it that. A redden flush was visible on her face. Looking down to the ground.

Composing herself, she exhales her breath. In a heartbeat, she gazed straight to my eyes, trying to open her trembling mouth. Still flushed, she brought herself to say something.

"Y-You know...Uhh, thank you for...rescuing me."

Her statement made me turn my stare, replying to her gaze. 'Maybe...I could she could get that secret out.' I pondered. 'She's currently in a good mood to talk, let me make the move first then.'

"Comfortable to say what happen yet?"

Her face slowly returned as she heard my answer. Does not expecting my question, all she could reply was a head shake.

'I've played the wrong words out. Should...I just left her here?' My thoughts whisper to me. From all the alternatives, that was the best options. At least it was better than just extorting someone for the information they do not want to say.

"I see."

Continuing my steps, I walked straight pass her. A glance is all I need to judge her current emotion.

"Such cold eyes you got there." I whispered.

Just about two meters difference between her and me. Disturbed by my statement. She clenched her hand before turning her head back.

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