The toy store

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Brianna's: POV


June 12th 1983: New York

I walked around in the toy store and looked at the cute dolls. I ended up buying all the things in the toy store. A doll jumped on me and begged me to buy him. A girl named Emma told me that his name is Addy.

"Buy me." said Addy. "I will." I replied. "Thank you." he said and hugged me. "You're so cute." I replied. "I'm adorable too." said Addy.


"I've something to you Adam." I said and gave him Addy. "This is Addy." I said. "I love him." replied Adam. "But I should warn you, he's very spoiled." I said. "Don't hate me just because I'm handsome." replied Addy. "Oh my god." said Adam. "Told you." I replied.

"Adore me peasants." said Addy. "Did he just called us peasants?" asked Adam. "I think he did." I replied. "I want a lover and thai food." he said. "Will be, Your Highness." I replied and Addy smiled happily. "I hope he gets along with other dolls." said Adam. "Me too." I replied.

-End of the flashback-

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

I love Addy

I hope you liked the chapter


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