
20 2 0

Do you love someone?

You should love someone, and that someone should be you.

You cannot fully love anyone without loving yourself. Your love for yourself is the value you place on yourself.

If you treat yourself like trash, no one is going to treat you like a gem. (Maybe your mama can.) You attract what you are.

Be like a gem. Treat yourself like a gem and attract lots and lots of diamonds in your life.

In these 20 days, I will be loving myself as much as I love my Mommy and my future kids.🤭

These 20 days can become a journey of 200 days, 2000 days, or a never-ending saga of self-love.

Be with me on this journey because your love for this book will boost my love for myself.

I will be waiting for your votes and comments.

Bye byeee


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