parents//dazai & atsushi & chuuya//

Start from the beginning

Atsushi hates it at first, he wasn't a baby, atsushi was an adult but both chuuya and dazai treated atsushi like a baby. Atsushi could barely move at all due to the drug so he was being taken care of but he hated it and he tried to fight back. "No! I'm not a baby!" Atsushi yelled as he tried to kick dazai away but obviously that didn't work. "Sweetie..calm down." Dazai softly said as he pulled atsushi into his lap, All atsushi could do was cry but chuuya and dazai were there comforting him the whole time.  "I'm not a baby..!" Atsushi said, dazai just started to rock atsushi, while atsushi tried to hit dazai chest but atsushi wasn't strong enough.

The agency knew nothing about what happened, they thought atsushi went missing so they've been looking for him but they found no evidence so ranpo couldn't help at all. Atsushi miss the agency member, but he couldn't see them because dazai and chuuya didn't let him leave the house. Atsushi didn't know what to do, he hated to admit this but he started to liked it, he liked being taken care of, even though it was probably wrong.

Atsushi was crying again, chuuya was just rocking him, just like mother would do with their babies. "It okays sweetie.." Chuuya softly said, atsushi was slowly getting used to this, it was wrong. "Mama here.." Chuuya softly whisper as he slowly started to play with atsushi hair, chuuya would refer to himself as mama, usually atsushi didn't called chuuya that. Chuuya and dazai didn't force atsushi to call then mama or dada but they would correct him in a way so atsushi was getting use to it so he actually started to see chuuya as a mom and dazai as a dad. "Mama.." Atsushi suddenly said as he snuggles more into chuuya chest, chuuya eyes immediately lit up and he smiled.

Atsushi has finally stopped crying, he also accepted the fact that chuuya and dazai were his parents now. "Atsushi~!" Dazai said as he walked into the room, dazai had a present for his child. "Dada got you a present." Chuuya softly said, atsushi just slowly look at dazai. Dazai was holding a tiger plushie, atsushi immediately made grabby hands, he wanted the tiger plushie. Dazai just smile as atsushi grab it and then he snuggles back into chuuya chest. "He called me mama.." Chuuya softly said, dazai looked surprised but then he smiled, it was working, atsushi was their child and atsushi had finally accepted it.

"I'll make dinner." Chuuya said as he slowly hand atsushi to dazai, atsushi just whined. " okays, dada is here." Dazai softly said, atsushi just whined again but does snuggle into dazai chest. Atsushi was able to talk perfectly fine but it was a bit hard because of the drug and both dazai and chuuya basically treat him like a baby, it kind of made atsushi start acting like one. "Dada.." Atsushi said, dazai just smile, his baby was finally called him dada and he was so happy. Chuuya made a quick and simple dinner and this time dazai was feeding atsushi. "Should we try the pacifier again?" Chuuya asked, they had tried to give atsushi a pacifier but atsushi would spit it out so they stopped trying but now atsushi was acting like a baby.

Dazai just nodded, chuuya went to get the pacifier, while dazai kept feeding atsushi. Once atsushi was done eating, chuuya slowly picked the pacifier in atsushi mouth, atsushi didn't spit it out or anything so it was a success. Atsushi immediately started to suck on the pacifier, Atsushi was trying his best to keep his eyes open but they could tell that their child was tired. "You must be tired..come here." Chuuya softly said as he slowly picked up atsushi, atsushi just nod as he snuggles into his mom. They went to the bedroom and they put down there baby for a nap. "story.." Atsushi said between the pacifier, atsushi wanted his parents to read a story. "You wanted us to read you a story?" Chuuya asked, atsushi just nodded as he was slowly tucked into the bed. Atsushi was holding his tiger plushie as his mama read a story, slowly atsushi fell asleep. "I can't believe this actually work.." Chuuya said as he stare at his precious child, atsushi was actually acting like a baby. "I told you, it would work!" Dazai said, chuuya just nodded. "What if..the agency and port mafia member find out about this..?" Chuuya suddenly asked, even the port mafia knew nothing about this.

"..I mean, but we are doing is definitely wrong." Chuuya said, chuuya knew it was wrong but he didn't really care, atsushi was now his baby. "we won't let them take our child away." Dazai simply says, chuuya just nodded, they won't let anyone with their child away from them. Soon both chuuya and dazai went to sleep as well, and they were holding their child. Atsushi didn't hear the conversation that dazai and chuuya had, he was peacefully sleeping until he got a nightmare. Atsushi woke up crying, which woke up dazai and chuuya. "Mama!" Atsushi said as he cried into chuuya chest, chuuya just started to rock his child, while dazai rub atsushi back.

"He won't hurt you, no one will hurt you." Chuuya softly said, atsushi just kept on crying. After a while though, atsushi finally calm down so now he was just laying on chuuya lap. While atsushi was crying, the pacifier fell out so dazai put it back into atsushi mouth. "The headmaster is gone, you don't have to worry about anything." Dazai softly said, atsushi just nodded as he hold dazai hand, chuuya just kept rocking atsushi until atsushi slowly fell back asleep. Both chuuya and dazai wish that, they could have killed the headmaster, atsushi didn't deserve to be treated so badly but chuuya and dazai were there for their child and they'll make sure no one hurts atsushi again.

(This is fuck up)

(But I like this? And I want to make more?😭😔)

(😭🤲I need more of this)

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