The Hunger Games: The Hanging Tree

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During the future after the war between the rebels and the capitalist. Everything was peaceful for a long time. The Mockingjay was safe with Peeta Mellark. Well everything was peaceful. Some of the rebels heard a rumor of the uprising of a new president. The problem was that there was a citizen that could be a new president, that wanted revenge. The reason for revenge was the rebels had killed her grandfather. The even bigger issue was that her grandfather was President Snow. What the rebels did not know when they took over the capitol was that President Snow was prepared to die. He had prepared himself, he knew that his final days were coming soon. After the first games dealing with Katniss Everdeen, he knew she was a problem. He had tried to get rid of her, claiming that a game-makers family would be safe from all harm. He would give them a sum of money to target Katniss Everdeen! But the game-makers attempts failed and Katniss Everdeen survived the hunger games, and became a idol for the people who were sick of the capitol, and the games. People did not know that President Snow had rigged the next quarter quell in another attempt to get rid of her. He knew there was no way she would win this time, but he didn't expect them to work together and escape the arena. This made President Snow furious! He threw every force he had at the idol of rebels, Katniss Everdeen the Girl on Fire! This made him clumsy, and finally he became crazy in his final days of life. Then on the last day of life, he knew he was to die. So he sent a message to be carried out to his granddaughter, by mockingjay. The message told Snow’s granddaughter to stay hidden till the day was perfect, then strike the people who killed him while they were at their weakest! That day snow had made up his mind, there was no way the Girl on Fire was going to execute him! So snow asked a spy of rebels to give him nightlock berries, the nightlock berries would kill the human swallowing them in a matter of seconds. But the problem was when Katniss Everdeen was to execute him she turned and shot Coin the president of District 13 instead. Snow swallowed the pill just one second before Katniss shot Coin. Realizing his mistake, Snow started laughing crazily, that just by the slightest chance he could of lived but he executed himself instead. The story was that snow choked on his blood. Some people know that is a lie and what truly happened. But most people don't, and the problem with that is if they knew the whole truth about President Snow’s final days. They would have fled Panem long ago. Because now another Snow was in charge, this one could end all districts as we know it.

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