part 10

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What a life god give me. It's not even start and I'm feeling like i will give up now. It's hurt right when you bleeding but the owner who the same person whom acting to heal your pain.

Pov yn

When i said to mysterious lady. She sighed like she is tired. I decided to asked her why she is looking like tired.

Me : you are tired. Right?

When i said to her. She nodded her head and said.

Mysterious lady : I am? 

I shrugged it off and said

Me : i don't know that god will be tired.

Mysterious lady : first can't you give me some good name.

I confused myself that what happening.

Me : i don't have good name you give or i will called you mysterious lady.

Mysterious lady : call me twinkle.

Me : who give such a great name. But it not suit you lady.

When i said this. I could feel that she is glaring at me. I gluped my saliva in fear. When she saw my fearing stage. She laughed out loud and said

Twinkle : anyways, my special friend give me.

I narrowed my eyes at her dark black orbs. And said nonchalantly

Me : really you have freind ?

Twinkle saw the time on her wrist watch and lastly see me and teleport from my side. My mouth jaw dropped off and playing fully chukled and said  .

Me : twinkle is now old that she lost her manners.

When i said that i heard. Twinkle voice

Twinkle : dare to say it again.

After this. I cleard my throad and rushed towards the dinning table. I saw the jin is placing the breakfast on the table when he saw me that I'm present . He smile and gestured. Me seat on the table. After while me and he start eating the breakfast peacefully but i noticed that time to time his ears now getting red. I ignored first but when he choked up i got confused that is he feeling uncomfortable with me.



I was waiting to heard the news that they killed the area . My phone ringed that someone was calling me  . I grabbed my phone from the table and saw the number who is calling me. When i saw the number its unkown number. I picked up the call and heard unknown person voice.

???: hello, long time no see.

When i recognize that who is the person. It's non other than my so called friend. Jisoo she is absolutely got vibe when she looked at jin from the starting. She is obsessed with seokjin.

Me : what you want jisoo.

When i said this she intansly said to me

Jisoo : you already know what i want.

I sighed and said

Me : yeah i knew what you want. But you not gonna be happen jisoo.

When i said this. She yelled i know she will do this thing only with me not with seokjin. I rolled my eyes . It's not time to waste on her fucking useless conversation. I have to called jennie what's happening there. 

Me : jisoo i will call you later. Bye

After this i ended my phone. Before i could called jennie. She already called me.


Jennie was trying to free herself from teahyung grip . When they're continued to doing this think . Someone clapped the hands. They stopped doing. Teahyung lossing the grip from jennie. Jennie touch her neck and caught and trying to breathing.

They realized that it's non other than Aera. Before teahyung will said anything Aera said

Aera : i was feeling sad for the person who hired you to killed me but instead of killing me. They are fucking fighting with their so called betrayal by themselves.

Teahyung glared at her

Teahyung : control your tongue.

Area chukled

Aera : what if I don't?

Teahyung growl in through out her conversation. Teahyung smirked

Teahyung : you already know that we are here to killled you. Aren't you scared?

Aera rolled her eyes and nonchalantly said

Aera: me? No way. Why would i scared because in this place the game was going to change.

Jenne said to her confused way look to her before could've anything teahyung said

Jennie : what do you mean by this.

Aera smriked and said

Aera : first called your so called boss who hired you.

Before jennie and teahyung would said about toward her. She took out gun from her pocket and pointed gun towards them. When teahyung and Jennie this there's body gets bumped and theirs lips trembled. Aera saw this she smirked

Aera : c'mon called your boss if you don't want to end up on the ground.

Teahyung signaled to jennie that she call because there is not other step or option to run away from this situation. Jennie grap her phone with trembling hands and shevring body . She denied that number of him.

After so many called no one picked the phone. Aera when saw this sheet annoyed look said.

Aera : this last time if he didn't pick up.. Be ready visited and ended up on funeral. Jennie again denied his phone but this time he picked up the called.

On the called jennie said with trembling voice.

Jennie : came here xxxroad way penthouse. There was errors to kill her.

After this aera snatched her phone and cut the called  .


Jin was eating his breakfast peacefully. The twinkle showed her face towards him. Jin got shocked and his gazed landing at yn. Twinkle noticed this she sit at the one table beside him and with closing eyes she said.

Twinkle : relax, she can't saw me without my permission.

Jin sighed in relief when he heard. Twinkle said to him while he is eating peacefully.

Twinkle : it seems like you loved her.

Jin donnot utter Anthony from his mind. Whereas twinkled counties

Twinkle : if you want help from me and question that what if rejected by her. So, my answer is it's not gonna happen nor in this life neither next life. You're his king and she is your queen.

Jin donnot understand her talked that she is talking truth about this. He thought that she is talking just to Teasing to her. Twinkle sighed when she saw that he not at all under stand her words. Twinkle continue with her talked. She closed her eyes and said while smirked are forming on her face.

Twinkle : by the way , what you wanted first girl or boy.


The one girl who is sitting on the couch while seeing photo on the laptop. She sipping time to time red wine while sawing the photos. She smirked and said

???: yn you don't know even what's going to happen!!

To be continue.....

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