Chapter 11

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Tomorrow morning, Carla and Jared decided to visit Twilight at the hill where she was practicing her magic. Jared notice the the fabric cloth on his girlfriend's back. "Babe, what do you have there?" He asked. "Oh, this? Let's just say I bake a pie, just in case Twilight and Spike can have it," Carla answer. "That's really nice of you, Carla. What kind of pie?"

"Um...." Carla tried to answers as Jared guess, "Let me guess. Oreo pie?" Carla chuckle sheepishly and nodded. Jared chuckle while shaking his head as he peck her head. "You and your Oreo lover."

"Can you blame me for that? It's really delicious. At least I tried to bake it before we get here," Carla said. "Sure you did."

"Still you like all the food I made?" Carla teased as Jared went blush and look away. "Okay, you got me there," he admit it. Carla giggle when she peck his cheek which he look at her, pouting. "Why not here?" He pointed at his lips causing Carla rolled her eyes. "Jared, we're in public and you know I don't do it public when--" before she could continue, she and Jared heard a loud thud. They look in front and saw Spike on the ground, dizzy.

"Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen. There's no other way," Twilight scolded when the couple walk toward. "Whoa, Twilight. Take it easy, okay? Not to mention Spike got hit at his head with the heavy stone," Jared spoke as he summon the ice pack and put it on Spike's head.

"Hey, you two," Twilight greeted. "New spell you're learning, Twilight?" Carla asked. "Yup. I'm still working on it. How about yours? Are you able to...?" Twilight question as Carla shook her head softly. Twilight look at her sympathy, knowing it's hard to embrace the Cheerful magic. "You'll get it someday, don't worry. Anyway, what's on your back?" The lavender unicorn notice the fabric cloth on the white Alicorn's back.

"Oh, this? I decided to bake an Oreo pie and let you two try it," Carla said. "Oreo?" Twilight tilted her head in confusion. "Her favorite snack is Oreo but, it's really delicious. And also, it came from our world," Jared explain.

"And you made one?" Twilight look at Carla in shock which she nodded. "I still wonder how the heck she doesn't get fat."

Carla gasps and look at her boyfriend, feeling offended, "Are you saying I'm fat?"

"What? No, I didn't mean that," Jared quickly protest. "But you said.." "Carla, my bunny, you're perfect just the way you are so, don't worry," Jared quickly snuggle against her head as Carla rolled her eyes while smiling. "Jeez, here I am, feeling third-wheel here," Twilight pout. "You know, Twilight. I have this dream where you are blushing with someone who was wearing, I don't know, blue? Never mind with that," Carla shrugged.

"By the way, what makes Spike hit his head hard?" Jared question. "I can't help it, Look," Spike pointed as the three look at where he point. From what they saw, is Pinkie Pie wearing the umbrella hat and hid behind the tree. She look around and quickly hide under house as she check everywhere then, she went under the large stone and look around as she quickly disappear.

"I never seen Pinkie acting like that," Jared said. "Never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie," Twilight sigh. "More like super-extra Pinkie," Carla added when she saw Roger who walk toward them with a tired look.

"What's gotten into you?" Jared look at him questionable. "Worried me later but first, where is that party pony?" Roger panted. "Right...there?" Carla pointed unsurely at Pinkie Pie who was holding her tail. Roger let out a small groan as he fainted. The three ponies look at him, not knowing what to say.

As for Pinkie Pie, she tried her best to hold her tail, noticing it was shaking as she start to look around while saying, "Hmmmm..... twitchy, twitcha, twitcha, twitch."

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