Scrooge: What did he say?

Possessed Lena: That you wouldn't be able to handle him and his brothers leaving and have an old man meltdown. I thought better of you. Guess I was wrong.

Then Scrooge opens the gate for Lena A. K. A. Magica, she walks in and says "At last. A vanquished for the ages, a final clash between the Sorceress of the Shadows and the world's greatest adventurer, Scrooge Mc--" when Scrooge opens the door he looked a mess. Meanwhile at the houseboat Launchpad finds a box full of souvenirs from Scrooge's adventures the children did together in trash and says "Hey, guys, I think you misplaced this box."

Dewey: We're throwing that away.

Dewey takes the box and Webby comes to the box and says "What?! The Druid's Cup? This Mount Neverrest T-shirt that? The Golden Khopesh of Toth Ra that you conned Launchpad out of?! Those artifacts are special!"

Dewey: It's just old junk, Webby.

Then later Aiden comes in with his backpack with his amulet and spell book inside, he ties a concrete block to it.

Webby: What are you doing, Aiden?

Aiden: I'm throwing away my amulet and my spell book into the water, Webby. I'm quitting magic. Forever!

Launchpad and Webby: Why?!

Louie: Whoa, hold on, Aiden think for second.

Aiden: I have been thinking, Louie! And I thought I can use my magic to help people! I thought I can do good with it, it looks like I was wrong.

Dewey: Aiden, please don't do this your a sorcerer, you can't just quit magic because you hurted Scrooge besides he got what he deserved anyway after what he—

Aiden: No he didn't deserve it, Dewey! I'm sorry I mean... look it wasn't me just hurting Scrooge, my magical outburst almost cost everyone's life and I'm not a sorcerer anymore... I'm just an ordinary boy now.

Then Aiden throws both thr concrete block and his backpack into the water and says "Now it can't hurt anyone, I'm sorry you guys but magic is over for me. For good." He walks inside the houseboat, Dewey throws the druids cup into the water and Huey place the mount neverrest t-shirt in the and burns it. And when Louie tries to throw his khopesh but fakes it, Dewey suddenly snatches it and throws it in the water Louie tries to retrieve it but Huey and Dewey holds him back.

Donald watches the triplets throwing away all the artifacts in the water and looks at his other nephew sulking in the dining area feeling guilty at what he did to Della that neither he and everyone else knows. Donald puts a sympathetic look and feels bad for his nephews.

Webby: I can't believe it's really over. I mean, Aiden gave up being a sorcerer for us and his family is falling apart.

Launchpad: Don't worry. I've crashed literally hundreds of Mr. McDee's vehicles, and he always get over it. The boys will, too.

Webby: I don't know. This feels different. Aiden blames himself for his magical outburst and his brothers blames Scrooge for their mom's disappearance.

Launchpad: It'll blow over. They'll be a happy family living in the mansion before you know it.

Suddenly Donald comes out with a Cape Suzette brochure and says " Boys! Good news! Where have you always wanted to go?

Louie: Into the water to go get my Khopesh!

Donald: What? No. Cape Suzette! We're moving there tomorrow!

Huey: A new town?!

Louie: Finally.

Dewey: Cape Suzette, here we come!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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