Aiden's Horrible Mistake

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Today the McDuck family was getting ready for their adventure in Monacrow and Launchpad was getting all the stuff they need in the jeep. And the children were so excited.

Webby: Next stop, Monacrow!

Huey: Home to EX. C. E. S. S., the EXtreme Consumer Electronics and Science Symposium! Experimental race cars!

Aiden and Webby: Lasers!

Launchpad: Airplanes?

Dewey: You bet, old friend.

Scrooge: And Monacrow is said to be the final resting place of the elusive Maltese MacGuffin! Lost during Netherworld War II, this ephemeral is so rare that no one has ever laid eyes upon it.

Aiden: Whoa. So what is it, exactly?

Scrooge: The stuff dreams are made of.

Huey: No, but, like, is it statue or—

When Huey was trying figure out what Scrooge was talking about he sees Donald carrying a pile of wood and says "Come on, Uncle Donald! You can fix the houseboat when we get back."

Donald: Uh-uh. I'm almost done. We'll be on the water again in two days!

Suddenly there was a little explosion at the houseboat then he says "Seven days!" And a huge explosion hits the houseboat, it was gonna be a long time for Donald and his four nephews to be in the water again.

Donald: I should get started. Have fun kids!

Aiden: We will! Bye, Uncle Donald!

As Donald was taking care of his houseboat in the backyard, Mrs. Beakley was coming on this trip too.

Webby: Granny? You're coming too?!

Mrs. Beakley: I have my 987 vacation days saved up, and Monacrow's Blackwater Beaches are legendary. It's high time I "wilded out" with some "maxing" and "relaxing," Hmm?

Aiden: Wow, Webby, you have the coolest grandma.

Webby: You mean we have the coolest grandma.

Aiden: Oh, yeah, Beakley excepted me as her grandson.

Dewey: Now who's ready for the--

Aiden, Dewey, Webby and Huey: ♪ Best road trip ever! ♪

Scrooge tries to sing with them but he was off-key, Aiden says "Oh, you'll get it Uncle Scrooge."

Scrooge: (chuckles) Six months ago, if you'd have told me I should take in a group of youngins--

Mrs. Beakley: I did.

Scrooge: I would've called ya daft. But I tell you, I haven't felt this energized and vital since... well, a long time. Load up, everyone!

Suddenly Louie calls out to Huey, Dewey, Aiden and Webby then one of them says "Did you get it" and he did, the secrets to Della Duck and as they all were in the jeep and Scrooge shouts "To our greatest adventure yet!" And Beakley, Launchpad and the kids shouts "Whooo! To adventure!" Launchpad drives the jeep into the Sun-Chaser and it took off to Monacrow. While flying Launchpad gives Beakley a beach chair as her seat and when she requested for seat belts and insist her with a rubber tube as a floatation device when they crash but when Launchpad mentioned the word "crash" to Mrs. Beakley it began to worry her.

Ducktales Retold: The Life Of Aiden Fauntleroy Where stories live. Discover now