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toricam time for a fresh start, toricam out

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toricam time for a fresh start, toricam out.

83, 452 likes

lovingindigo funny how she quits after nathan and the triplets unfollow her

allaboutcolbs you really were fake..

sturnsfilmss i'm ashamed of myself for calling you my friend

After a few hours of posting her final post, Tori Cameron logged out of her account. She couldn't bring herself to delete it. However, by captioning her post with 'fresh start', she was going to embark on a journey outside of social media.

After losing her friends, more so Nathan, her mental health began to deteriorate. Part of her believed that what happened was her fault, but at the same time Nathan jumped to conclusions and his friends followed after him.

She missed her calls with him, his silly comments on her posts, the way he smiled whenever she spoke, the way he would respond to her texts immediately. All she wanted was to have her best friend back, but she lost him for good. There was only one Nathan Doe, and she knew she would never find anyone like him.

She was just a fan to him.

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