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toricam good things are coming

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

toricam good things are coming

Liked by nathandoe8, christophersturniolo and 12,942 others

nicolassturniolo best friend type shit
toricam nicolas my fave!!

matthew.sturniolo nate pulled
toricam we aren't dating
nathandoe8 not yet
This comment has been deleted


Nathan Doe
why did you delete my comment

it's controversial

Nathan Doe
are you ashamed

why would i be ashamed

Nathan Doe
because you see yourself as a fan
tori i promise you that's not just
who you are
you are so much more than that
sure, you discovered me from youtube
and created a fanpage for me and my friends
but your entire personality isn't based off that
i've spoken to the triplets about you and they
really like you
they didn't even know you were a fan until after
a few weeks of me talking about you to them
you are so much more than a fan and i will continue
to tell you that until you believe it
and i know you're worried about what people will
say but who gives a fuck
at the end of the day it's what i think of you, right?
i could've fallen for any fan, but nobody stuck out to
me like the way you did
not that i was really looking but that's beside the point
i like you for you, tori cameron.

god nate
you have a way with words
thank you though
i needed to hear all of that
i appreciate you so much

Nathan Doe

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