"Hey there! We finally made it. Thanks for having us over," Ami smiled as the three met on the sidewalk.

"Well, after this week's news, I'm glad we are meeting here." She leaned in, "I've been in a similar spot, no need to give those paps more than they deserve. Hi Jae. Great to see you again."

"Hi!" Jae beamed.

"Oh! I remember you from Annabell's." Gaga looked past the group and up at a surprised but super happy Quon. They had left quite the impression on her at the party, the way they all had moved and watched the group without making a scene.

"I don't think you've properly met. This is Mr. Quon and Mr. Pak. They were both with us in London, along with Mr. Choi." She pointed to the car that had pulled up behind them. Choi gave a little wave.

"Well, hello, gentlemen. It's nice to see you all again. Are you staying for lunch as well?"

"Oh no, not this time. Thank you, though." Pak said in a friendly but more professional work tone. "Girls, text me when you are ready, and we'll be here within three minutes. Have fun."

"Thanks guys." Ami and Jae nodded and followed Gaga inside. As soon as the door closed, Pak turned to his team, "Alright. Hopefully, they will be busy for a few hours and get some good girl time. Byun, Choi, follow us. We're going up the road."

Gaga led them into her house. "I'm so glad you reached out. It's nice to have guests."

"We're glad the schedules cooperated," Jae asked as she scanned the huge open floor plan room.

"Wow, you have a beautiful home." Ami set down her purse and Jae watched Gaga grin as she took her sunglasses off.

"Well, thank you. You know, I don't know if I've ever seen you without your glasses on." Gaga took a few steps closer as she locked eyes with her, drinking in her features. "Stunning."

Jae's eyes got big as she watched Ami break into a little smile. "Well...thanks."

"Not many people have seen her without her glasses, she doesn't take them off in mixed company... we brought you a gift." She held out the bag as Gaga turned her attention to Jae. "You did? You didn't have to do that." She was now staring at Jae and murmured, "God damn..."

Jae shot a look at Ami, who was now trying not to laugh, "Stephanie. She's not gay, and she's taken."

Gaga whipped her head around, "OH shit! No! I'm so sorry! Your skin is AMAZING! That's what I was talking about!" Ami and Jae started to laugh as Gaga tripped over her words apologizing to them both.

"Jesus. I'm sorry. What did you bring me?" They watched her pull out the gift, still flustered. "OH my god, this is the best! You can only get this in Italy! Thank you!"

"You're very welcome. We really appreciate you inviting us here and not out in the world right now, even if it was your secret desire to bring us here to hit on us." Ami laughed as Gaga groaned, then squared up with a smirk. Ladies, you would KNOW if I was hitting on you. Come on. Lunch is ready. Let's take it outside and enjoy the nice weather. We can talk out there."

Back at the hotel.

The boys talked while Su sat at the kitchen table, computer open, randomly scribbling in a notebook.

"I can't believe she's hanging out with Gaga!" Tae moaned. I've wanted to collaborate with her forever."

Jin smirked, "You know her. She'll probably have a song cut with her by the end of the day." Tae groaned, rubbed his hands through his hair, and got up to find something to drink.

The Rules: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now