Chapter 19 - Begin The Hunt

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‼️For silent readers( who neither follow nor vote).,

I updated this chapter because some of the readers has followed me after yesterday's post, so I don't wanted them to feel left behind, and next update will only be posted here if the voting target is completed,

Author's Pov :-

The hustle-bustle around the Palace made it more lively and emphatic,

Corridors were filled with peoples,

Today was hunting day.

Every kingdom had to take part in this, they have to hunt down as much as they could before the sunset, 

Forty kingdoms were invited to Singhal which concludes forty teams,

All of them were getting ready for the competition and the departure will be at noon. All of the mens are setting up their weapons; swords, crossbows, spears and axes. 

Determination to win the prize was thrilling and over exciting.

Whereas the womens were tying turbans for their husbands which shows their hope, pride and victory, they tied it around their heads, praying for the husband's wellbeing and safety. 

Each team has different colors which represent the kingdom they belong to, Singhal's Mens were wearing green while the Rajasthan's had the red one.

Everyone proceed towards the Royal Courtyard, a partition was made to separate the sections for women and men,

Furthermore, the main protagonist of the day was still left to grace the event with her presence.

She was running late, hurrying her ways in the corridors to reach the Courtyard while her bodyguard concerned that she did not have to worry about being unpunctual, in response

She said,

“ No Shekhar, what will others think about me ….i do not want Bhai Sa to feel embarrass, you do not know how these people never left a chance to make a small matter into a big controversy,” She doubled her pace, red in the face due to sudden movements, 

Shekhar was going to say something but suddenly stopped and said,

“ Rajkumari Sa, actually i forgot to bring my dagger with me…. So please go ahead i will be back soon,” she furrowed her brows at his question and thought, what is the need of a dagger when he already has a sword with him. But still permitted him to leave. 

She turned to her right and moved forward, clutching two small pouches in her fist safely. She has made those by herself early in the morning, the reason for her getting behind the schedule.

There were some herbs in the pouch, she had mixed them to keep dangerous creatures away from a person.

One is for Bhai Sa, 

And the other one is for___ She was in her own facade when a hand from the side clasped her elbow and pulled her in a chamber, landed on a hard surface, Her eyes widened in panic which got calmed when her orbs locked with those gray ones. 


The moment he pulled her in, he closed the doors. One hand held her close to his heart and the other flipping the planks of the door, but not for once his eyes flickered away from her captivating stars.

Her heart was jumping and dancing around in joy when he pulled her closer, and backed her against the door, caging between him and the door, both of his hands on her curves.

𝐔𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 : 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞Where stories live. Discover now