Lost Memories

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Note: this is the full fanfiction.

   I fall

   The rush of air and sudden coldness wrapped around me. The feeling of slowly descending into the abyss. Suddenly, my back hit a liquid, swallowing me whole. The impact sent shockwaves throughout my body, as the liquid wrapped around me in a chilling embrace.

   I slowly regained my senses, and I can finally open my eyes, only to be confronted by darkness. The only available light I could find was the dancing blue light on the surface of this liquid. The only sound I can hear is my own heart pumping.

   How did I end up here? I don’t remember.

   My body remained still as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. The liquid was gentle as I closed my eyes momentarily to gather my thoughts. Then, when I reopened them to spot a dark figure, flouting? No, Swimming towards me. I don’t know how to respond to this situation as I stay still.

   Who is this figure? Why is the figure approaching me?

   I blinked at them as they slowly swam towards me. Once I closed my eyes, darkness surrounded me. I tried to reopen them again, but it seems like I can’t. I sensed a presence slowly approaching near me. I guess it’s the figure.

   Then a faint whisper of movement and a gentle touch of something solid wrapped around me. Without warning, I felt myself being lifted upward. When I finally mustered the courage to open my eyes. The first thing I saw was a blindingly light. I squinted, trying to adjust to the sudden bright light that seemed to be blinding me completely.

   “Easy now,” a gentle voice echoed through the light. “Let your eyes adjust.”

   There was a blurry figure at the side of my vision as my eyes gradually adjusted to the brightness, revealing the details of the man’s face. His teal eyes, filled with a mixture of curiosity and empathy, met my own.

   Between those moments, an awkward silence hung in the air as we both tried to process the situation.

   “Huh?... I… I don’t remember how I got here…” I managed to speak up, my voice barely above a whisper, the words felt foreign on my tongue, as I tried to make sense of my surroundings.

   The man's expression softened further, a hint of empathy in his eyes. “You took quite a fall,” he explained. “I saw you when you were falling and quickly rushed in to help. You’re lucky to be alive…” he continued.

   Fallen? Had I been in danger?

   “Thank you…” I softly murmured, “I don’t remember what happened during that, but I’m grateful for your help.” I thanked him, as I attempted to sit up but found myself unable to do so due to my body still feeling weak and disoriented.

   He offered a comforting smile and extended his hand to help me sit up. “You don’t remember?” He asked, concern evident in his tone as he studied my facial expression for any signs of recollection.

   I began to recall these past moments but nothing seemed to pop up. “I don’t,” I admitted, shaking my head slightly. “It’s all just… Dark… And… Blank…”

   His brows furrowed with concern, but he maintained a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, it will come back to you,” he assured me.

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