"Meaning more of them are on Earth," Batman finished grimly.

"I believe my friend my have vital information on that point," Martian Manhunter said, turning so that a blond scientist could walk forward and be visible to the rest of the room. "Some of you have not met Adam Strange of S.T.A.R. Lab's Erdel Initiative."

Adam waved with a small, slightly nervous smile. He didn't seem scared of the rest, but his eyes strayed to the three bats, all of whom had crossed arms and were surveying him critically.

"He is the scientist responsible for maintaining the Zeta-Beam technology we use for teleportation," continued Manhunter. Adam lowered his hand and the nervous smile disappeared into a more serious frown.

I was wondering why a stranger was allowed on the top-secret Watchtower, Superboy thought to the other senior Team members, Zatanna and Rocket (they may have left, but the six had a bond like no other).

"And he has a story to tell." Manhunter finished, then stepped to the side so Adam could walk forward.

"Uh, it's a little involved," Adam hesitated. He looked around the room. "Uh, wish I had visual aids, or something."

"I can assist you," Manhunter said, his eyes glowing.

Storm quickly lowered her mental barriers so that the mind link would work.

We are all linked, Adam. What you remember, we will see.

"Uh, great." Adam's face turned from shocked to serious, again. Well, I was performing a routine Zeta-Tube upgrade when something went wrong, and I found myself transported halfway across the galaxy to a planet called Rann.

There was a scientist there. Sardath. He was conducting his own experiments in enhanced, very enhanced, Zeta-Beam technology. It took weeks to establish even basic communication, but Sardath eventually made me understand some of his Zeta-Tech had been stolen.

The mindlink was broken right after that.

John spoke up immediately. "Fits the Krolotean M.O. Their entire culture revolves around stolen tech."

"Sardath detected transmissions between a single location on Rann and multiple locations on Earth. He was attempting to trace those when he accidentally transported me to Rann. He gave me this"—Adam pulled a green hexagonal thing out of his poket, which opened to show a yellow hologram of Earth—"It detects Zeta radiation and can pinpoint all the locations where Kroloteans have beamed to Earth."

Captain Atom walked towards Adam, looking at the hologram. "Then I'm ordering a two-pronged attack. We'll stage simultaneous raids on every Krolotean target on Earth, while a contingent of Leaguers travels to Rann with Strange here to cut the Kroloteans off at the source."

Before Adam could speak, Storm narrowed her eyes and spoke. "But, there will be a problem with that. I get the feeling that the Leaguers won't be welcome."

Everyone turned to her, but she was staring at Adam contemplatively. "Gut feeling that something is wrong. My bet is that the missing Leaguers from five years ago did something under control of the Biochips. It would make sense if Vandal sent you guys to space so as to mess with the peace, or make you guys targets. Classic war technique, turn the tides by making your enemy everyone's enemy."

Adam cleared his throat, his eyes wide in surprise. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts, and nodded. "Uh, yes. Earthlings are persona non grata in Rann's corner of the galaxy...and these six Leaguers are wanted criminals." The hexagon showed images of the missing 16 hours Leaguers.

"What?" John gasped.

"You were correct, Storm," Nightwing said, his hand resting on her shoulder. She turned to him, a question in her eyes and he rolled his eyes. "I didn't doubt you."

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