"Baby, wait," Bada says as I pass her and I hear Nari say "murdering someone makes you go crazy huh?" under her breath. Before I leave, I turn back and dump a glass of water in Nari's face.

"Bitch," I say quietly as I leave the room. I walk outside and just start walking needing to take a breather.

"Luna wait," I hear Bada calling from behind me but I just keep walking.

"Stop following me. Just give me a few minutes," I tell her from ahead but she doesn't listen and keeps jogging towards me. When she catches up she grabs me and turns me to face her.

"Baby please, I'm so sorry about all of that. I believed her when she said she'd change but she lied okay. I won't try to be friendly with her anymore," Bada says.

"It's not your fault okay. Just leave me alone for a while," I tell her. To be honest what Nari said did hit a nerve. She was right about me not being able to relate to any of them because of our different upbringings. They lived this wonderful life with a family that loved them and I lived in torture all my childhood. My eyes start to swell up just thinking about how my childhood was robbed from me. Just before the tears spill, I cover my eyes with the back of my hands and turn away from her, inhaling deeply to catch my breath.

"Luna, baby no. Please don't cry. I'm sorry okay. Let's go back to the house to get our things and leave hmm?" She says holding my wrists gently to turn me to her.

"I'll leave okay? This is your family and I don't want you to have to leave because of me," I say walking back to the house ahead of her. She runs up to catch me before I could get too far.

"We are your family Luna. All of us. I'm your family baby," she says starting to tear up. I can see this is hurting her too.

"It's different, you know. You have your parents, your brother and Soo-min. Heck even Nari was there during your childhood. I don't have any of that Bada. It's just me. And sometimes that makes me really sad," I tell her honestly.

"Look at me baby, don't let what Nari said get to you. She's a miserable person and is only taking her anger and hatred out on you. You have so many people who love you Luna. Kirsten loves you so much, both of our girls love and admire you, the kids love you to death, you're the sister Soo-min always wish she had, and Dae Hyun loves having you around. I know how hard your childhood was and I'm so sorry you couldn't experience the love of a family but we're here now and we won't let you go, okay? All of us have adopted you into our lives," she says laughing a little at the end with tears falling down her face.

"I'm really weak minded sometimes and can let comments get to me. I'm sorry for storming out like that," I tell her as she pulls me into her embrace.

"Mmm mm, don't apologize my love. You had every right to react that way. If it were me, I would've done worse. Would've really reenacted that show you and the girls watch," she says making us laugh. We walk back to the house together and stop at the mailbox to see Nari waiting on the porch with her bags.

"Don't you two look all chummy," she says rolling her eyes. It takes everything in me to not jump her right now.

"Watch your mouth Nari. You deserved to get kicked out. You did this to yourself," Bada says to her. Just when she was about to say something, Soo-min comes out with a pile of clothes in her hands and throws them all over the front yard.

"Kick rocks hoe," Soo-min yells at Nari.

"I invite you to my house and you're going to disrespect a family member. AND DO IT IN MY FACE?!?! Yeah. Heck's no. You gotta go," she says dumping the last of Nari's clothes on the ground. Dae Hyun comes outside to try and calm her down.

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