"You think I won't kill her?"

She smiled. "I know you won't. You're trying to redeem yourself, and like she said before, who would sleep with you?" I struggled to keep the tears in my eyes. "You won't kill her."

Kai moved the point of the knife closer to my heart. "Really?"

Caroline's expression slipped for a second before she became unbothered. "If she dies, you die. Stefan and Damon will snap your neck."

I gasped for air as he stabbed the knife into me. It pressed against my lung, making it hard for me to breathe. I couldn't suppress the yell that escaped my throat.

"An inch higher, and she'll choke on her own blood."

Her brows furrowed. "You're bluffing."

"Or I could throw her over the edge, and you can watch her fight for her life. Dealer's choice."

She didn't respond. I felt the knife twist inside me. I felt tears roll down my cheek as a sob broke from my throat. "Stop."

I felt the knife yanked out of me.

In a blink, I was falling from the edge. I gasped for air before breaching the surface of the lake. The freezing water overstimulated my senses. I gasped again, only for my lungs to be filled with air. I struggled against the rope around my wrists. I kicked aimlessly.

My throat and nose burned from the water. My body was weak. Then limp Everything went dark.


I coughed up the water in my lungs, rolling to my side. I gasped for air. Tears burned my eyes. I heard sighs and a cry. I laid back and breathed out. I opened my eyes and looked up at Kai. He was soaked, and water was dripping from his hair. He was breathing heavily.

He saved me.

I assume someone fed me their blood because I'm not bleeding, and I feel a little better. "You're a dick."

He sighed as a small smile spread across his mouth. "You're welcome."

I closed my eyes as I caught my breath.

I could hear Caroline crying softly. Then Stefan spoke softly to her.

"You okay, kid?"

I opened my eyes and looked at Damon as he sat down next to me. "I'm alive."

He blew out a breath of air. "Good."

I put my hands on the ground and pushed myself to sit up. I closed my eyes, waiting for the ache in my stomach to go away. I could hear Caroline still crying. I opened my eyes and looked at Damon. "Can you take her home with you? I don't think..." I took a breath. "I can't be around them."

He stared at me for a moment. "Yeah." He seemed unsure of his answer. He glanced over at them before looking at me again. "What about you?"

"I can take her," Kai answered.

Damon looked at Kai. He stared for a second longer than I assumed he would. He looked at me. "I'll check on you later."

I nodded. He rested his hand on my shoulder for a moment before leaving me with Kai. The three of them left us at the edge of the lake. After a few moments, I heard the car start and then drive off.

"That's hard, right? Seeing them together?"

I looked at him. "You don't have to talk."

"I was just wondering." He pushed off the ground and stood up. He offered his hand out to me. "Let me take you home."

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