𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏, beauty and the beast

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despite lucifer's initial expectations, he was surprised to find the last few days spent with the demon were much smoother than he anticipated. alastor was bedridden due to his recent injury, but in spite of his claims of being fine, lucifer took on the role of a concerned caregiver. he tended to alastor's needs and checked on him frequently to ensure the wounds were healing properly. it was almost as if lucifer had transformed into a fretful parent, even though he strongly denied having any emotional attachment to the demon whatsoever.

since they remained under the same roof, lucifer supplied more angelic blood to ensure a speedy recovery process and to get the demon out of his room as quickly as possible. despite alastor being obedient to the king's every command, lucifer couldn't shake off the strange feeling that crept up on him whenever he thought about the two demons sharing a room, let alone sharing the same bed. he couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to their arrangement than met the eye.

lucifer relaxed on his stomach, his more petite frame sinking into the silky covers of his bed. with his eyes fixed intently on the paperwork before him, his mind was fully absorbed in the task at hand. the room was quiet, aside from the faint sound of his pen scratching across the page as he worked diligently to complete the papers placed before him.

the bed was spacious enough for him to work while alastor rested beside him underneath the sheets, keeping a reasonable distance between them.

the king typically completed necessary paperwork from the comfort of his bed, and today was no exception. even with the presence of a guest looming over his shoulder, it didn't mean he had to vacate elsewhere, even if this demon had no respect for the quietness of the room with questions.

lucifer sighed, "for the love of satan, no. so don't even think about leaving or i'll drag your sorry ass back." he hissed. the king was more than willing to retrieve anything alastor required, but he made it crystal clear that the demon was not to leave the safety of this room until his stitches were fully healed. if the wound were to reopen again, it would only lead to more feedings and additional work for the already overworked king.

"come now, don't be so uptight, your majesty. i was only kidding around." alastor made a dismissive gesture while cracking a joke. one that lucifer didn't find the least bit amusing.

the king remained engrossed in his work for what felt like eons, so much so that alastor began to suspect that his eyes were glued to the paper. "important paperwork, i presume?" the curious demon pondered how such a small task could take so long to finish.

alastor received a slight glance to the side, undoubtedly the most eye contact they'd held for the past three hours. "you've been staring at those scribbles for a while now. what's the harm in taking a break?" alastor asked.

the king expressed annoyance by rolling his eyes at the demon's words. like a needy child, alastor's impatience showed, making it clear he wanted to be fed. lucifer knew that he'd been spoiling him too much recently.

"like i said before, i don't have time for breaks. i'm already behind and- shit.." as he flipped through the pages, the king felt a sharp, sudden sting on his finger. he looked down to see a thin line of blood across the print, revealing a paper cut. it seemed that luck was on the demon's side today as the cut dripped a small amount of sweet nectar which boiled to the outer layer of his skin. perhaps for being good, alastor deserved a small treat to hold him over.

his attention was drawn to the demon sitting further back on the bed, already eyeing his leaking finger. the king couldn't help but crack a small smile. it amused him how much alastor craved even the slightest taste. the glimmer in his eyes looked as if he was silently seeking permission.

lucifer held out his finger, which was now bloody and sore. "here," he said, offering it to the demon. "lick it." alastor didn't need to be told twice.

he took one last glance at the golden dribbles before leaning in, "as you wish, my king." his words flowed out of his mouth like soothing nectar, dripping like honey into lucifer's ears. he then brought the finger into his mouth, grazing every inch of the slit with his tongue. without averting his eyes, he kept his gaze fixed on lucifer, holding eye contact for what felt like centuries as if daring him to look away. (the way i giggled while writing this part-)

the liquid that stained the surrounding skin was no match for his tongue, which lapped up every splotch of blood with a mesmerizing elegance. the demon's hooded eyes betrayed a sense of yearning, as if he longed for something just out of reach. his tongue coiled around his finger with a serpentine grace, almost as if it were trying to suffocate its prey.

lucifer found himself in some type of trance-like state, watching blankly as the usual content and composed demon crumbled before him. he suckled on his finger like a pacifier, straining to get his fill of blood from such a minor gash. no matter how much lucifer wanted to, he couldn't force himself to turn away.

short, deliberate huffs left lucifer's parted lips, finally able to break free from the spell that held him captive.

lucifer flicked his finger from inside the other's mouth. "i said lick, not devour it." the now red and inflamed finger was coated with clear saliva and faint blotches of angelic blood. he behaved like a mangey mutt who had no respect for common decency.

alastor placed a gentle kiss on the back of lucifer's frail hand. "forgive me, i must've gotten a bit carried away." as the words left his lips, the king felt a shiver run down his spine.

the demon's lips were soft as they trailed along his arm, gradually making their way up towards his neck. despite the countless opportunities to distance himself, he chose to remain still.

feeling extra affectionate today, alastor paused his berating of kisses to come face-to-face with the king. "someone's needy tonight," lucifer muttered, tilting his head to the side to reveal his marked-up collar. "you want to feed, right? hurry up and get it over with."

alastor found the king's willingness rather charming, though lucifer misread his intentions. with a devilish smile, he leaned in and gave the king what he wanted. lucifer's rosy cheek was cradled in the warmth of his palm as alastor waited patiently for the indecisive king to decide. after a moment of hesitation, lucifer finally returned the kiss, causing the demon's lips to curve into a delighted grin.

the delicate kiss ignited a spark of passion between them. and though neither of them quite understood what they wanted to come from this. at that moment, nothing truly mattered. in its own twisted way, this felt right. when the kiss eventually broke, lucifer instinctively chased the adrenaline rush, only to be stopped by a brief chuckle.

"how adorable, and here you thought all i wanted was more blood." with a gentle touch, alastor lifted the king's chin, his finger tracing a delicate line along the jaw. the demon's face was then guided to the crook of lucifer's neck. "i didn't want your blood, but how can i resist when you're this tempting?"

lucifer felt the gentle caress of soft breaths against his sensitive skin, causing him to bite his lip in a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. "you're becoming soft, my king," he spoke huskily before biting into his forbidden fruit.

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