𝒕𝒘𝒐, taste of heaven

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alastor placed a single peck on the other's creamy skin before sinking his teeth into the flesh. lucifer observed with a smug look plastered on his face, watching the demon taste test the waters before utterly losing himself in the blood lust. a pleased expression written all over his face as he suckled on the skin like a pacifier.

after a moment of watching in sheer amusement, lucifer yanked his wrist away from the other's mouth after the demon almost suffocated himself. alastor panted, strings of golden drool dribbled down his chin as short-winded breaths escaped out of his control. the nectar-like substance still present on his upper lip and the very corners of his hung-open mouth. a priceless almost desperate expression etched onto his face, one the king hadn't yet seen before.

alastor took a second to regain himself, using the back of his palm to wipe away the substance from his glistening lips. lucifer on the other hand, took a good look at his now purple wrist before cleaning away the mixture of blood and saliva with a handkerchief. the puncture wounds soon healed naturally, but the dark bruise remained in its place.

"i trust that was enough to satisfy you?" lucifer asked, looking into the demon's starving eyes. it was clear to both of them that the small amount of angelic blood wouldn't be enough to satisfy even the smallest of appetites. he needed more.

"i'm afraid not." he said breathlessly as he recalled the other's soft-spoken words, one time free. "may i interest you in a deal?" the demon asked, catching the other's undivided attention.

however, instead of hearing him out, lucifer scoffed in his face, amused that someone as lowly as an overlord thought he held any grounds to make a deal with the king himself. what could he contribute that carried any sort of significance whatsoever?

lucifer crossed his arms, "oh please, what could a lowborn sinner like yourself possibly have to offer?" the smile consuming the demon's face grew by three sizes. with the snap of his fingers, a scroll appeared from thin air, a soul-binding contract that may retain some importance to lucifer. his eyes scanned over the contents of the agreement, nothing that seemed had anything to do with him, until he reached the signature. princess charlotte "charlie" morningstar.

"you made a deal with my daughter.." this sparked something inside the devil. his eyes turned a vibrant shade of maroon, ignited by his wrath as pointed horns sprouted from his skull. if only looks could kill. the demon swatted away the smoke bellowing from lucifer's ears.

"settle down settle down, there's no need for all that." alastor cooed, moved by his generosity, he was willing to trade "her soul for your body." he spelled it out clear as day so they wouldn't have any misunderstandings.

lucifer blinked with confusion, he thought it would've been much more complex than that. no asking for riches or holding her hostage. if all alastor desired was his angelic blood, there was no reason not to accept. becoming a blood bank was a small price to tolerate to ensure his daughter's safety from this demon's talents.

"what do you say your majesty, do we have a deal?" the demon stuck out his hand which produced an ominous green glow. lucifer knew better than anyone how powerful a deal like this could be. he hesitated for a breif moment but then thought of his daughter's smiling face. he would be lifting a heavy burden from her shoulders, and as a father, what more could he ask?

lucifer let out a short-winded sigh, "fine bastard, but you must never mess with her again, do i make myself perfectly clear?" he threatened, his gaze narrowed as his true demonic physique began to take form. white angelic wings tore through his clothes as his eyes turned blood red.

alastor hummed in agreement, "as you wish.." from then on, the deal with sealed with a firm handshake. once finished, lucifer thought he could tend to business as usual, not expecting his body to be yanked forward into the demon's arms. faint hungry breaths brushed against his neck, which sent a shiver shooting down the king's spine. "..my king."

the king remained calm as an array of soft kisses trailed down to his collarbone. lucifer tilted his neck to the side, giving the bloodsucker easier access. alastor thanked him by running a finger along the neckband, sliding it off his shoulder to get a better assessment of his dinner. his end goal was not to cause harm to the king, but only to sap up a bit more of his delicious blood.

"i can't believe i get to call your beautiful body mine." mine, lucifer winced at the word choice. feeling his razor teeth pressed against the sensitive skin on his neck before digging in. the king let out a surprise squeak at the sudden penetration, though the noise sounded a bit too sensual, more like a moan.

lucifer slapped a hand over his mouth, watching as the demon's ear twitched from the corner of his eye. "that wasn't- i can explain just-!" the teeth sunk further into his shoulder, sapping the fluids from his veins.

lucifer bit his bottom lip, muffling the noises that threatened to burst from his vocal cords. at that moment, he felt like he was being eaten alive. by the time alastor had finished up with him, the king was like a squeezed lemon drained of any juices.

the surroundings of the demon's mouth were covered in dandelion yellow, looking like he'd just finished devouring a tub of yellow frosting. in his anguished state, alastor failed to notice the king desperately latching onto his bare chest. he may have gone a little overboard with his first time.

the room looked more and more like a crime scene, with golden strands of blood staining clothes and dripping onto the carpeted floors. a messy pile of old bandages drenched in blood was left to harden on the nightstand. meanwhile, the rags used to clean himself up laid on the floor and have yet to be disposed of.

the demon went to step away, figuring the king was just exhausted from having the life sucked out of him. and yet, that wasn't the case at all. his body was limp, only standing upright because of the support he was leaning against. he definitely went overboard.

lucifer wore a peaceful expression on his face. golden strands of blood still flowed down his shoulder till the damaged area healed up all on its own, with a giant hickey left in its place. alastor scoffed, he still wasn't satisfied with the amount of blood he received, but not wanting to accidentally suck him dry, for the sake of the king it would have to suffice.

alastor scooped the unconscious body into his arms, hugging the king close to his chest. and though he wanted nothing more than to wake the sleeping beauty and continue his feast, he thought it best to let him sleep it off till morning.

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