𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆, kiss me to death

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during their next feeding session, a comfortless silence filled the room as soon as lucifer arrived. the uncertainty between him and alastor was palpable, and the air felt heavy with a thick tension. despite this, alastor proceeded with the feeding process while lucifer looked away, exhaling softly for air. as the session came to a close, alastor stepped back, impressed by how quickly the wound healed. he had seen it happen many times before, but it never ceased to amaze him.

after finishing his meal, the king shrugged his shirt back on, fastening the buttons. "are you satisfied?" he asked, and alastor nodded in agreement. the atmosphere was silent, with no pointless conversations or meaningless kisses to ease the tension. the awkwardness seemed to stem from their previous feeding session, and neither of them knew how to approach the subject at hand. many unanswered questions lingered between them.

lucifer couldn't be bothered to face the demon as he hastily redressed himself. he coughed, hoping for a light-hearted joke to break the tense silence, but the other remained silent, leaving lucifer to dwell on the awkwardness.

he felt like a cheap hooker, who failed to leave a motel room early the next morning in order to avoid the awkward interaction with his previous client.

as lucifer made his way towards the door, he hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering over the knob. finally, he cleared his throat and turned back towards the demon. "i'm sorry about what happened last night.." he said, his voice hesitant. "i shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

alastor's lips curved into a smile, surprised by the king's ability to acknowledge his mistakes. "oh there's no need for apologies, my king," the demon reassured him with a light-hearted chuckle. "i find your occasional hard to get act rather exhilarating, wouldn't you say?"

lucifer scoffed at alastor's words, which couldn't have been any further from the truth. "bite me," the king replied with an upturned grin.

"don't tempt me, your majesty," alastor added with a hint of sincerity in his voice. and with that, lucifer took his leave till it was time to feed again.

several hours had passed, and lucifer was alone sitting in his room anxiously watching the minutes creep by. he sat next to his phone, waiting for the usual call to confirm their next meeting. since the feedings occurred every eight to ten hours, they never landed at the same time. this meant that most days, lucifer would wait for alastor's call to tell him how long till the next feast.

but as the hours ticked by and the sun began to set, the king's concern grew with each passing minute. ten hours, it's been ten hours since they last spoke, the maximum amount of time he could go unfed. despite constantly rechecking his phone, there were no missed calls. the king knew all too well what the price of going without sustenance for too long could do to the demon.

memories of the last time alastor went without angelic blood flooded his mind, causing him to shudder. lucifer couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him something was wrong.

frustrated by his thoughts, lucifer started down the hallway, ignoring anyone who tried to speak to him. the elevator music that usually put him at ease now felt like nails on a chalkboard. every second felt like an eternity as he waited to reach his destination.

as the king stood there, he couldn't help but feel impatient. he tapped his finger against the sleeve of his shirt, wondering how much longer he would have to wait. meanwhile, lucifer tried to convince himself that everything was okay. he told himself that alastor was presumably fine, and he just wasn't picking up the phone and lost track of time. but deep down, he knew that wasn't the case.

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