Broken Android IV

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Angelina's gaze scanned the area around her after the Humanoid Android momentarily powered down. She was searching for something to assist her in dragging this powered-down Android to the staff room. The room was down the cafeteria area staircase and through a hallway of broken parts that fell from the roof. H-Droids averaged from two-hundred-fifty to three hundred pounds. Angelina was around one hundred eighty-five pounds and didn't need to lift more than a third of her body weight because of climbing the play structure to maneuver to her hiding spot. While tangled up with the Android, she noticed something further in the destroyed supply closet.

There in a dark corner of the closet lay a partially broken Dolly under a pile of boxes. From the singe marks littering the cardboard, you could make an educated guess that they had been blasted open when the H-droid was blasted through the rusted closet door. Angelina lifted her bruised arms from the Android's pleading grasp and worked on freeing herself. She lifted one hand to pinch her nose closed as she pried to locked arms from around her waist.

With stiff legs, Angelina crawled from the Humanoid Android's grasp. She flinched with small winces as her legs began waking up. First came the sandy needles stabbing her calves but that wasn't the worst part. When her nerves began to wake up, they were as sensitive as an exposed nerve. Any contractions of her muscles caused a jolt of electricity. The hyperactive nerves in her legs made it impossible to walk so Angelina was reduced to crawling over the Android. Her bare knees scrapped along the rubble and broken shelves until she was within reach of the rusted hand of the Dolly. When her legs were almost back to normal, she pushed herself forward to grab hold of the handle of the buried Dolly.

Her gaze wandered over her shoulder with every few pulls to ensure the Skelldroids had not reappeared. Without the H-Droid's laser gun, she was a sitting target if she lost track of her surroundings. Angelina braced her knees in the sharp rubble, giving one last strong pull. The Dolly popped free from the cardboard boxes disintegrating from age. When the metal transportation was free, it sprung forward. The remaining force of Angelina's pulling launched her backward next to the slumped Humanoid Android.

"No-no-no!...! Mnhn... hnn~.", She moaned in pain when the ground momentarily disappeared from under her.

A low moan of pain left her chapped lips as her burns and bruises screamed along the debris-littered floor. The Dolly had landed on her ankle. A sharp pain jolted up her nerves as she buried her face in her arms to bite back a shout of pain. It wasn't enough to be broken but it was going to put a hinge on her ability to navigate through this messy abandoned building. She grits her teeth and focuses on taking deep breaths as she rolls the heavy metal tool off her ankle. Once it was off of her, she sat the Dolly up against the nearby counter before focusing on the Android in emergency shutdown mode. The yellow ring in her light-colored eyes shone brighter as her anger increased. The shine in her gaze dimmed as she debated keeping her promise. Was it worth saving the powered-down hunk of mangled carbon-fiber-infused metal?

"You're a lucky hunk of garbage right now.", Angelina hissed under her breath.

Her guilt began eating away at her at the thought of abandoning the Android that looked eerily similar to her late husband. She stabilized the Dolly before limping over to the slumped H-Droid. Her muscles strained simply laying the Humanoid Android on its back without letting it drop to the ground and cause noise. This precaution wasn't for the Android's safety. Angelina didn't want to wake up the Skelldroid while defenseless. They are mostly blind but they still can find you with their close-distance sonar. They sneak up on you while you're creating a ruckus wrap their soft silicone gel limps around your head and snap your neck.

It only takes a moment to feel the soft gel limbs pressing against the sides of your face before it jolts to the side. Your body grows limp as your vertebrae are severed. This would sever your vertebrae in between the fragile C-3 and C-4 sections. The break would cut off your airway and paralyze your body. You would fall to the ground unable to move. Your airway is paralyzed as you asphyxiate in agony from the sudden loss of the ability to breathe. The Skelldroid would then wobble away as your left slowly succumbed to your wounds. Those that were lucky were killed swiftly and those unfortunate spent the next three minutes in agony. Their faces turned red and lips staining blue as their paralyzed bodies trapped them in place.

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