Owing a Life III

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Angelina hid in the musky ball pit for two hours. The blasting had ceased after the first fifteen minutes but she needed to ensure the battledroid was long gone before she peeked her head out. The insulation of the plastic ball pit caused her to sweat as her warm breath fanned around her face in the enclosed area of her hiding spot. Her body cramping from freezing in a crouched position. Slowly her breath to a snail's pace to lower her chances of getting caught when the noises began dying down.

Angelina kept her ears perked. Her sight was obscured until she could confirm her safety. That's when she heard the distinct heavy thuds of the battledroid walking near the food counter. It unnecessarily smashed the cans on the counter before its feet led towards the front of the Sunset Bowling. It smashed the glass doors of the front door as it headed into the parking lot. She stayed hidden a moment longer as it blasted off in search of its next victim. Angelina emerged from her hiding spot. The black blanket kept her from easily being spotted as she peeked her head high enough to see if the Skelldroids had appeared to finish their shift but it was dark.

They had fled when the fighting caused trembling vibrations through the crumbling building. Taking this moment to assess the damage to the integrity of her hideout. Angliana didn't have to worry about anything active wandering around. Even the human that had brought the Battledroid would be long dead. If the noises ended so quickly into the two hours the Battledroid lingered in the cafeteria then it was a quick defeat. She walked on the toes of her feet to minimize her sound as she made her way up to the cafeteria to assess the damage.

If the execution sight was too gruesome then she would have to move locations. She couldn't handle the thought of cleaning up the blown-up pieces of a human. Her stomach churned as her stomach of canned fruit threatened to come back up. Her gold-rimmed eyes scanned the area with permission. There wasn't any blood could spot and the Battle droid gave up its chase too quickly in case the human escaped. Angelina crouched under the divider for the food counter when she spotted some charcoal-smudged footprints heading toward the storage closet. If the body was mostly inside the closest then Angelina could lock the door and stay away from the room to avoid the stench. As long as she didn't have to see the decaying body.

The supply closet door was busted down and Angelina froze when she spotted a pair of legs sticking out from the doorway. Her blood ran as cold as a buck of ice water to the face. The muscles in her face tightened as she clenched her teeth anxiously. Slowly her feet stopped inched from the limp pair of legs as she trailed her gaze up the body. Her pupils dilated and shook as she darted her eyes up to the upper body of the deceased body.

"What the fuck?!", Angelina shouted before clamping a hand over her mouth as she remembered to be quiet.

Her frantic blue eyes darted to the outer area of the Indoor amusement park as she listened for the sound of the Skelldroids. When they didn't react to her shout, she looked back to the body. What she assumed was a mutilated human body was a heavily damaged H-droid. The male-oriented Android was missing its right arm and had a large part of its face plate scorched.

Angelina couldn't focus on anything else but how close she was to such a dangerous creation. The most dangerous was the Battledroid. The H-droid followed swiftly behind with its strength. At the bottom was the Skelldroid who could only really harm you if they snuck up on you. Angelina's hand reached for a broom that had been broken in the scuffle. The broken metal tip melted into a jagged spear. With the metal rod by her head, she crouched her body into a ready position. Ready to thrust the broken rod at the chest of the Android. Like an Atlatl spear thrower.

Her feet slowly crept forward. Balancing her weight on her back foot. Lying in wait to strike forward to stap the Android through its motherboard. Her arms had slight chub but she has been climbing through that play structure for the past week and a half. Climbing up to higher levels as fast as she could while controlling how her body landed against each platform to minimize her sound. Crawling in and out of that ball pit was similar to the foam pits at trampoline parks. A quicksand-like feature to slow you down like you have weights on your legs and torso.

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