New Characters: Charlie and Vaggie

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This is part 1 of the catch ups for female characters since some people are requesting I add them too! The female characters will be Charlie, Vaggie, Cherri Bomb (adding her myself), Velvette and Rosie. Part 2's catch up will be the other 3

Charlie ❤️‍🔥

How You Met

You were an angel from heaven who didn't agree with the exterminations happening every year so you were cast out and sent to Hell, becoming a fallen angel. Charlie found you passed out on the floor and took you in

Becoming Friends

She was super excited having another guest at the hotel. Her bubbly personality made it easy to become friends with her. She complimented you saying you have pretty eyes and nice hair

They Start Catching The Feels

She was freaking out, a LOT. But she was also pretty excited to tell you because she absolutely enjoyed your company and was always so happy to see you every day. Although she just didn't know how she was gonna tell you her feelings 

How They Confess

Nothing too fancy. She asked you to come into her toom since she wanted to talk about something important and when you did that's when she told you. She felt pretty nervous about it but was happy when she found out you felt the same. As you two held hands together Razzle and Dazzle both put flower crowns on your heads celebrating the new couple

First Date

She's a busy lady running a hotel so you two spent time together managing it and making sure everything was fine. If she did pick a first date tho I think she'd like going to a small cafe with you and chat about things you both like and enjoy doing

Who Would They Be Jealous Of

I don't think she'd be jealous of anyone tbh. She's a pretty positive person and she trusts you enough

What They Like About You

- Everything 

- Most importantly tho the fact that you believe in her dreams and support her thinking this hotel could work and redemption is possible

- She loves that you're always there for her no matter what

- She also thinks you're great at managing the hotel so whenever she's gone she puts you in charge

- That you're not as violent as everyone else is'

How Overprotective Are They

- 60%

- She's not that overprotective, but she does worry VERY easily

- Heck she even worries about herself a lot like she was freaking out when she had to go to Heaven because they're assholes who don't like to listen (mostly Adam)

- Always texts you at least once or twice to make sure you're okay

- If someone is making you uncomfortable she'll excuse you and push you away while giving them a glare 

If You Asked Them To Do Karaoke With You


- 1000 times, y e s

- The Princess of Hell loves to sing 

- She will sing however many songs you want to sing

- Razzle and Dazzle recording the two of you singing proudly 

- Everyone in the hotel could hear you but you guys didn't care 

At The Beach

- She much needed this vacation after the last extermination

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