New Characters: Cherri Bomb, Velvette and Rosie

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Cherri Bomb 🧡

How You Met

Before you guys knew of the hotel you participated in a turf war together and causing havoc in Hell. 

Becoming Friends

She loved how badass you were and how well you fight so she decided to stick by your side. Plus, you both love exploding things so even more reasons for her to like you

They Start Catching The Feels

- She was not afraid of admitting her feelings she's a pretty bold person

- Started flirting with you a bit

- Lock arms with you a lot whenever you two hang out

- Much more lively around you compared to other people

- She would also tease you a bit

How They Confess

- She was pretty straightforward about it

- No fancy shit or anything she just told you plain in simple that she was in love with you

- And she was not afraid to tell you how much she loved you

- Asked you out on a date in that very moment too

- When you said yes she had a big smile on her face and you guys went out to celebrate by exploding stuff together because why not

First Date

- Anything to do with explosions, duh

- Just kidding you guys just went out to a bar 

- But she did want to do a turf war afterwards and well... blow shit up

- The girl has way too much energy

- Especially when she drinks

- After the date you went back to the hotel and played some video games that involved shooting and violence

Who Would They Be Jealous Of

- She's not really the jealous type

- If anything she'd smirk at you whenever someone flirted with you because it showed that she scored a pretty hot partner and she's proud of that

- Besides she can just blow their heads off if they went too far with one bomb

- She might get a little jealous if you're spending time with someone else and not her

- She'll drag your ass away just to have your attention

What They Like About You

- How badass you are 

- When you get to blow stuff up with her

- Being chaotic together

- Your sassy and sarcastic attitude

- She also loves your body she thinks you're sexy and she's not afraid to tell you that ;)

How Overprotective Are They

- 20%

- She knows you don't need protection based on how she's seen you fight in those turf wars

- She can't even remember the last time someone actually managed to injure you

- The only time she'll step in is if she really feels like you're life is in danger

- And she will beat the fuck out of that demon.. no mercy

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