💖 If You Had A Panic Attack 💖

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Requested by Drowned_Ultima

Alastor ❤️

He instantly stopped whatever he was doing and did everything he could to calm your nerves. You were breathing heavily and having a hard time so he held you against his chest gently and rubbed your back as he told you that it's going to be okay. This is the first time he's seen you like this and it nearly shattered his heart into a million pieces. Alastor doesn't get scared easily but it terrified him seeing his lover in such a state. After a while once you calmed down, he sat you on your bed and went out for a bit and then came back with a bunch of your favorite snacks and chocolate. He got you a deer plushie too. He told you that if you ever went through something like that again he will be there for you right away, no matter where or how far he is

Angel Dust 🤍

Angel knows the feeling of having those because he's experienced it before. It's a terrible thing to go through and because of him experiencing it he knew what to do when you were going through the same thing. No words, just comfort. He did everything he could to help by getting you to focus on your breathing and he did whatever you wanted him to do in that moment. Cuddles? Done. Resting your head on his chest floof? Done. He also put on relaxing music in the room since music is a great way to calm somebody down. Even after your panic attack was done he still didn't leave your side after, and you both ended up falling asleep in each others arms

Sir Pentious 🖤

Poor thing didn't know what to do. He's pretty bad at comforting people and when he saw you shaken up and crying he was freaking out. He tried to cheer you up but it just didn't work. Pentious had to ask somebody for help and that's when they told him what to do and how to calm down a person when they're having a panic attack

Husk 🩶

He's not the best at comforting someone but he was trying his hardest for you. He was deeply concerned and left the bar to attend to you. He took you to your room where it was quiet and reminded you that it was gonna be okay and he wasn't going to leave you until you felt better. He had you in his arms and hummed a lullaby trying to make you not think about the attack. After that he went outside and got you something to eat and stayed with you the entire night. It was hard for him to not freak out but he knows that if he did it would've made things worse so he kept calm and had his full attention on you, not worrying about how he felt

Vox 🩵

You were alone in your room when it happened. Vox heard you crying and rushed to see what was wrong. He didn't know what was going on so he looked it up on his phone. When he learned it was a panic attacked he searched up ways to calm a person down. So he made sure the environment was quiet around you so it didn't make things worse and he got you some lavender since it apparently helps with anxiety. He also took you out for a walk since that might also help. He made sure your focus was on something else so you wouldn't think about it by taking you to different stores and even bought you a few things to lighten up your mood. He was really worried for you and feared it might happen again while he isn't around so he made sure to always keep an eye on you after that

Lucifer 💛

He understands what you're going through because he used to get them too and would have terrible nightmares. He would hold you tightly in his arms and have some candles lit up somewhere in the room to calm you down. He'd then get you whatever you wanted as long as you just asked for it. He even sang for you so your mind was focused on something else

Baxter 💙

He was panicking too because he didn't know what to do or how to comfort you. He's like Sir Pentious but worse. As much as he hated talking to people he had to get someone to help. He just awkwardly patted your back and tried his best but he isn't good at support or comfort at all. He felt bad about it and wishes he could do more 

Arackniss 💜

He was worried about you. Like, a lot. But he didn't show it as if he freaked out it likely would've made things worse so instead he kept calm and looked for ways to calm you until the attack passed. He stayed with you the whole time and told you how much he loved you and you're strong enough to get through this. After you calmed down he'd take you out for a walk and buy whatever you wanted and even cooked you dinner

Charlie ❤️‍🔥

She was really calm about it because she knows worrying will make it worse. She will tell you sweet things like how strong and brave you are to give you motivation to get through this. Razzle and Dazzle were called in too in case she needed them to grab stuff that you needed. After the attack has passed she then spent the rest of the day with you and even gave you a small gift to put a smile on your face

Vaggie 💟

Overprotective mode. She wouldn't let anyone get near you it was only her. She held you tightly and had you close to her as you two cuddled up on your bed waiting for the attack to pass. She did her best to block out all background noises as well so the atmosphere was as quiet as it can be

Cherri Bomb 🧡

Cherri would comfort you in every way possible. She sat by your side, got you your favorite snack and told you that everything will be okay. Despite her chaotic side she can be surprisingly gentle. She dragged you outside after to get your mind off the terrifying attack

Velvette 🤎

Honestly, she was too busy on her phone to even realize what was going on at first. But she soon quickly threw her phone to the couch when she saw you barely breathing on the floor and curled up. She'd scream for Vox or Val to get you water or whatever else you needed while she comforted you the whole time. You two went on a shopping spree after to put you in a better mood

Rosie 🩷

Rosie is very good at comfort. She was calm the whole time and telling you that you have nothing to worry about or be scared. Super gentle with you and sang a song for you to listen until the panic attack was over. She made you tea and wrapped you up in a blanket then set up a movie or show for you two to watch together

Yay after 3 weeks I finally get to publish this one. I don't know much about panic attacks since i've never really had one so hopefully it's still good enough

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